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,Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?,Section A2 2a2d,basketball,soccer ball,volleyball,tennis ball,ping-pong bat,ping-pong ball,baseball,baseball bat,Guessing game,Do you have a ,No, I dont. I dont have a ,Do you have a ?,Yes, I do. I have a ,dont=do not,Practice the conversation with your partner.,Practice,Does she have a ?,Yes, she does.,No, she doesnt.,doesnt=does not,Does he have a ?,Yes, he does.,No, he doesnt .,第一人称,第二人称,第三人称,单数,复数,单数,单数,复数,复数,I,we,you,you,they, boys ,he, she, it ,do,does,Listen to the conversations and number the pictures 14. 听对话,给下面的图片编号14 。,2a,1,2,3,4,Listen again. Match the pictures in 2a with the balls. 再听一遍录音。将2a中图片与各种球配对。,2,4,3,1,2b,Ask and answer questions about the people in 2a. 就2a中的人物与同伴问答。,2c,Role play the conversation. 分角色表演对话。,2d,I have ,Example,A: Do you have a hat, Mary? B: Yes, I do. A: Do you have a baseball, Bob? C: No, I dont. .,I did a survey about the things my friends have. Two students have hats. Bob has a basketball ,Example,A report,1. Copy the words in activity 1a and the sentences in grammar focus. 2. Read the tapescript of activities 2a and 2b.,
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