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专题三 介词和介词短语,-2-,高考感悟,考点归纳,.单句语法填空 1.(2018全国卷)I was searching for these three western lowland gorillas Id been observing. 2.(2018北京卷)Good morning,Mr.Lees office. Good morning.Id like to make an appointment for next Wednesday afternoon. 3.(2017全国卷)It allowed people to avoid terrible crowds on the roads above as they travelled to and from work.,-3-,高考感悟,考点归纳,4.(2017全国卷)After school she plans to take a year off to model full-time before going to university to get a degree in engineering or architecture. 5.(2017江苏卷)Determining where we are in relation to our surroundings remains an essential skill for our survival. 6.(2016全国卷)Most of us are more focused on our tasks in the morning than we are later in the day. 7.(2016全国卷)In India,for example,most people traditionally eat with their hands. 8.(2016四川卷)The mother continued to care for the young panda for more than two years.,-4-,高考感悟,考点归纳,.单句改错 1.(2018全国卷)They also had a small pond which they raised fish. 在which前加in或将whichwhere 2.(2018全国卷)At the end of our trip,I told my father that I planned to return for every two years,and he agreed. 去掉for 3.(2017全国卷)It was a relief and I came to a sudden stop just in the middle on the road. onof 4.(2017全国卷)They have also bought for some gardening tools. 去掉for,-5-,高考感悟,考点归纳,考点一 表示时间和日期的介词 1.in用在表示年、季节、月份,或泛指上午、下午或晚上的名词前;on用在表示某一天,某一天的上午、下午或晚上的名词前;at用在表示某一时刻或时间上的某一点的词前。 We will have a meeting at 8 oclock in the morning on Sunday. 2.for后接“一段时间”,表示某事持续多久,多与完成时连用;during表示“在期间”;through表示“一直,自始至终”。 The new boy looked at the teacher for a few seconds. I went to France during the summer holiday. They worked hard through the winter.,-6-,高考感悟,考点归纳,3.from,since from表示时间的起点,意为“从”,多用于“from.to/till.”中;since表示“自从以来”。 I have been waiting here from morning till noon. Great changes have taken place in our school since Dec.,2015. 注意for和since都常与完成时连用,但for接时间段,since接时间点。如for two hours(持续)两小时;since last week从上周直到现在。,-7-,高考感悟,考点归纳,4.before,by,till,until before指“在之前”,与after相对。by指“不迟于,到时为止,在以前”,by后接过去时间,常与过去完成时连用;by后接将来时间,常与将来完成时连用。till/until“直到为止”,在肯定句中,till/until必须与延续性动词连用;在否定句中,till/until常与非延续性动词连用。 Please come before ten oclock. September 30 is the day by which you must pay your bill. You must wait for him till/until tomorrow.,-8-,高考感悟,考点归纳,5.after,in after+一段时间:表示“在之后”,用于一般过去时;但时间为点时间时,只能用after,即after+点时间,用于各种时态。 in+一段时间:表示以说话时为起点一段时间之后,与一般将来时连用;但表示“在之内”时,用于各种时态。 After eight it began to rain. Jane is in a hurry because the train to the airport leaves in half an hour.,-9-,高考感悟,考点归纳,考点二 表示方位的介词 1.on意为“在的上面”;over意为“在(垂直)的正上方”;above意为“在(不一定垂直)的上方”;under意为“在(垂直)的正下方”;below意为“在(不一定垂直)的下方”;near意为“在附近”;next to意为“紧挨着”;round/around意为“在周围”;by意为“在旁边”;along表示沿着街、路、河岸等;across主要表示从某物的表面“横过”,涉及“面”的概念;past意为“从旁经过”;up表示向上,由南到北,由西到东,由沿海到内陆,由小地方到大地方,由农村到城市,反之则用down;through指从某物的内部“穿过”;over指“越过”某一障碍物。 Pipes carry oil across the desert. It took us ten minutes to drive through the tunnel.,-10-,高考感悟,考点归纳,2.表示两者的位置关系时,in表示“在同一区域内或同一范围内”;on表示“接壤,相邻”;to表示“相离,相隔”,两者不属同一范围,也不接壤。 Mongolia is/lies on the north of China.,-11-,高考感悟,考点归纳,考点三 表示计量的介词 1.at表示“以速度,以价格”。 The only reason a man would sell salt at a lower price would be that he was desperate for money. 2.for表示“用交换,以为代价”。 He sold his car for 500 dollars. 注意at表示单价(price),for表示总钱数。 3.by表示“按计算”,后跟度量单位。接具体单位前用定冠词the,接具体度量名词时该名词前不加冠词。 They are paid by the day.,-12-,高考感悟,考点归纳,考点四 表示行为的工具、手段或者方式的介词 1.by表示用某种方式,多用于交通。如by bus乘公共汽车,by e-mail通过电子邮件。 注意表示搭乘交通工具用by时,名词前不加冠词;用in时,名词前要加冠词。请比较: I went there by car/in a car. 2.with表示“用某种具体工具、身体的某部分或器官”。 We speak with our mouths. 注意with表示用某种工具时,名词前必须用冠词或物主代词。 3.in表示用某种材料或语言。 Please speak in English and write in ink. 4.through表示“以(方法、手段),经由”,后面多接抽象名词。 You can only achieve success through hard work.,-13-,高考感悟,考点归纳,考点五 表示“除之外”的介词 besides表示包含,“除之外还有”。except表示排除,“除之外”,指整体里面排除部分,后面可接代词、副词、介词短语,还可接that从句或wh-从句。 but表示排除,多与nobody,none,no one,nothing,anything,everyone,all,who等连用,其后可以接不定式。 except for表示“除之外”,常在说明基本情况后,从细节上加以修正。 apart from表示“此外,除之外(还有)”,相当于besides/as well as;表示“撇开来说,除去”,相当于except(for);in addition to表示“除之外(还有)”,相当于besides。,-14-,高考感悟,考点归纳,Apart from going shopping,the old lady likes walking except when it rains. Beijing is a beautiful city,except for its traffic.,-15-,高考感悟,考点归纳,考点六 表示原因的介词 1.for表示原因,常与sorry,famous,punish,praise,thank,blame等词连用。 The Smiths are praised for the way they bring up their children. 2.at指情感变化的原因,意为“因听到或看到而”。 He was surprised at the news. 3.from指“外在的原因”,如受伤、车祸、劳累等。 The young man died from an accident. 4.of指“内在的原因”,如疾病、饥饿、年老等。 The old man died of hunger. 5.with指生理上或情感上的由外界到内心的原因。 He was trembling with cold.,-16-,高考感悟,考点归纳,6.by表示外部的,尤其是暴力的或无意中造成某种结果的原因。 She took your umbrella by mistake.,-17-,高考感悟,考点归纳,考点七 of和to 1.of+抽象名词=形容词 of+great/much+抽象名词=very+形容词 of+no+抽象名词=not+形容词 The book is of great value to our research. This old machine is of no use. 2.to与情感名词连用,表示“某种行动后产生的感觉” to+ones+情感名词=to the+情感名词+of sb. To our great surprise,the boy lied to the teacher.,-1
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