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,Unit 2 Im Cooking in the Kitchen,陕旅版(三年级起点)四年级下册,Part C Read and name,Part B Lets learn more Look and say,Lets learn more视频, Lets learn more,Read and name, Look and say,Warm-up/Revision,I can say,What are you doing? Im + doing.,Presentation,阅读对话回答问题,1.What is the baby doing? 2.What is Alice doing? 3.What are the boys doing? 4.What are the girls doing?,Lets learn more,What are you doing, Alice?,Shh The baby is sleeping.,Im singing,Lets learn more,What are the girls doing?,They are drawing pictures.,How about the boys?,They are listening to music.,What is the baby doing?,What is Alice doing?,What are the boys doing?,What are the girls doing?,Presentation,The baby is sleeping.,She is singing.,They are listening to music.,They are drawing pictures.,Answer the questions,【复数形式】 babies 【例句】 The baby can not sing. 这个婴儿不会唱歌。,How about the boys? 男孩们在做什么?,此句是在叙述完前者的情况之后,询问他人的情况的句型。为了避免重复,常用“How about ?”来代替问句。“What about you?”也可以用来询问他人的情况,用法同“How about you?”。,重点句型一,Im from the USA,how about you?,Im from China.,Practice,Super Mar表演我最棒!,小组合作: 1.三人一小组 2.根据剧本分角色练习 3.适当加上一些动作辅助表演 4.课文基础上进行新对话创编,Lets learn more,点击“Lets learn more”,跟我一起读吧!,视 频,Look and say,What are they doing?,Wu Chen is drawing a picture.,Look and say,What are they doing?,Wu Chen is drawing a picture. The cat is sleeping. Grandpa is writing. Grandma is watching TV. The dog is sitting. The rabbit is standing. Mom is reading. Dad is listening to music.,Read and name,Read and name,There are many people in the park. Look! Alice is singing. Li Shan is dancing. Wu Chen and Su Nan are reading books. Liu Zhaoyang and Kevin are playing basketball on the playground. Kitty is listening to music. Colin is writing. Miss White is drawing a picture.,Practice,1. What is Alice doing?,2. What are Wu Chen and Su Nan doing?,3. What is Colin doing?,4. What is Miss White doing?,She is singing.,They are reading books.,He is writing.,She is drawing a picture.,Ask and answers,( )1.I in the kitchen. A.cooking B.am cooking C.is cooking ( )2. What are you ? Im drawing a picture. A.do B.doing C.does ( )3.Im reading a book in the bedroom. you? A.What are B.How about C.How do,Test,B,B,B,单项选择。,Sum-up,重 点 句 型,如何用现在进行时询问他人正在 做什么及其答语?,-What are you doing? -Im + v-ing. 【例句】-What are you doing? -Im reading a book.,Homework,
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