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Unit2 the United kingdom Puzzles in Geography Reading,Step 2 Skimming & Prediction,Step 2 Skimming & Prediction,Step 2 Skimming & Prediction,“To go, or not to go-that is the question.”,Part 1 Lead-in,“To go, or not to go-that is the question.” This is a question that Scottish people faced recently, as they decided whether or not to stay in the UK. The Scotlands independence referendum (公民投票) was to be held on Sept 18, 2014, announced First Minister of Scotland Alex Salmond on March 21. At that time everyone over the age of 16 who lives in Scotland would be asked: “Should Scotland be an independent country?” They would decide if their 5 million people should end a 300-year-old union (联盟) and leave the UK. Voters in Scotland have to decide whether theyll break away from or remain a part of the United Kingdom.,Question for you:,What do you think entitles Scottish people to decide to break away from, or to stay in the UK?,Can we, say, Fujian Province or Guangdong province, hold a referendum for independence? Why?,Part 2 Reading,Step 1 Skimming & Prediction,Puzzles in Geography,Task 1,Study the title, pictures and layout of the text, then make prediction about the AIM&FUNCTION, and the GENERAL ORGANIZATION of the text,expository,to explain sth for him,Step 2 Listening & Note-taking,Task 2 DIFFERENT NAMES,Listen to a short paragraph and work out the table below,ENGLAND,GREAT BRITAIN,the UNITED KINGDOM,13th century, A.D.,17th century, A.D.,20th century, A.D.,England&Wales,England, Wales &Scotland,England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland,Task 3 COHESION,Read para.2 carefully and identify the lexical cohesive devices within the paragraph:,First; next; finally,However,So,sequential order,(cause &)effect,transition,Task 4 ZONES OF ENGLAND,Listen to a short paragraph and work out the table below,the SOUTH OF ENGLAND,the MIDLANDS,the NORTH,most of the population of UK,most of the industrial cities of UK,most of the industrial cities of UK,Step 3 Detailed Reading,Task 5 TOPIC SENTENCE,Read para.4&5 carefully and pick out the topic sentences respectively:,the 1st sentence,the 1st sentence,supporting details,supporting details,Task 6 INVADERS AND LONDON,Read Para. 5 carefully again and work out Table A below,Table A,the Romans,the Anglo- Saxons,the Vikings,the Normans,the oldest port,the oldest building,the oldest castles,the 1st century, A.D.,in 1060s,in 1066,Read para. 5 carefully again and work out Table B below,Table B,the Romans,the Anglo- Saxons,the Vikings,the Normans,Towns & roads,Language & government,Vocabulary & place-names of the north of England,Castles & new words for food,Task 7 STRUCTURE OF TEXT,Read the text again, divide it into 3 parts, and write down the main ideas of each part:,Para.1-3,Para.4,Para.5-6,What England includes; about Great Britain; the UK,The geographical division of England into zones; their similarities and differences,The cultural importance of London,Step 4 Summarizing,Can you write a summary within 35 words of the whole passage?,Possible summary: The writer examines how the UK developed as an administrative unit; it shows how England is also divided into three zones, and explains why London became the cultural capital of England.,Language and Geography, History, Politics, Culture,Step 5 Consolidation,Part 3 Homework,Research: Surf on the Internet and answer the question for you in Lead-in: What do you think entitles Scottish people to decide to break away from, or to stay in the UK? Can we, say, Fujian Province or Guangdong Province, hold a referendum for independence? Why? 2. Assessing the text: Fact versus opinion? Writers intention: 1 who wrote this text?(occupation) 2 what is the aim of the message?(informing, teaching, entertaining) 3 who was it written for?(specialists, consumers, children, students of Enlish) 4 do you think it fulfils its aim? (i.e. Is it successful?),
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