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Lesson 3 Please send me a card 请给我寄一张明信片单词讲解关键句型课文讲解练习复习补充内容单词讲解New words and expressionssend (sent, sent) v. 寄,送postcard n. 明信片spoil (spoiled or spoilt) v. 使索然无味,损坏museum n. 博物馆public adj. 公共的friendly adj. 友好的waiter n. 服务员,招待员lend (lent, lent) v. 借给decision n. 决定whole adj. 整个的single adj. 唯一的,单一的 1. send 寄,送,派遣,打发cause sb to go or sth to be taken without going oneself(send sent sent )1) 加双宾语 send sb sth = send sth to sb 把东西寄给某人 eg. send me a postcard = send a postcard to me 寄给我一张明信片 eg. I sent my mother a present on Mothers day. 在母亲节那天我寄给妈妈一份礼物。 =I sent a present to my mother on Mothers day.2) 加单宾语 send sth 寄什么东西 send sb 派遣,打发某人 send a letter send a parcel send the children to bed 打发孩子去睡觉3)send sb my love = give sb my love 代我向。致意 eg. Please send your sister my love. 请把我的问候带给你的姐姐。 =Please send my love to your sister. eg. Please say hello to your brother. = Please say hi to your brother. eg. Remember me to your parents. 代我问候你的父母。 正式的表达Give my regards to your parents. 更为正式的表达4)send for sb 派人去请,去叫。 send for sth send for a doctor 派人去叫医生 send for a taxi 去叫一辆出租车 2. postcard n. 明信片 card 卡片;贺卡 a Christmas card a birthday card a get-well card 康复卡 an identity card 身份证 a post card cards 纸牌 a pack of cards 一副纸牌 1)ones best card = ones strongest card 某人最好的一张牌,王牌,绝招 2) give sb his cards 开出,解雇某人(非正式表达) 3) lay ones cards on the table = put ones cards on the table 摊牌 post n. /v. 邮,寄 post-bag 邮袋 post-box (U.S.: mail box) 邮筒,邮箱 post-code 邮政编码 post office postman (U.S.: mailman) post mark 邮戳 post-free 免付邮资的,邮资已付的 post-paid 邮资已付的 3. spoil-spoiled-spoiled 使索然无味,损坏,破坏,糟蹋 -spoilt-spoilt 英式英语中多用不规则形式: eg. dreamt; spoilt (Br) 美式英语中多用规则形式: eg. dreamed; spoiled (Am) 不管英式或美式英语,用过去分词作定语的时候,只用不规则形式。 a spoilt child 一个被惯坏的孩子 spoilt milk 坏了的牛奶 a misspelt word 拼错的字 1) v. 破坏,使。没劲 make sth useless, valueless or unsatisfactory; ruin eg. Bad weather spoilt our holidays. 坏天气破坏了我们的假期。 eg. The bad news spoilt my day. 这个坏消息让我一天不开心破坏了我一天的心情。 eg. Postcards always spoil my holidays. 明信片总是破坏我的假期。2)v. 娇惯,宠坏,溺爱eg. That little girl is terribly spoilt her parents give her everything she asks for. 那个小女孩被惯坏了,他的父母亲给她任何她想要的东西。eg. Spare the rod and spoil the child. (谚) 孩子不打不成器。eg. Everybody enjoys being spoilt from time to time. 谁都喜欢偶尔被人宠一下。4. museum n. 博物馆 museum piece1) 适合博物馆展览的精品 2)老古董(贬)eg. This old radio of yours is a bit of museum piece; it is about time you got a new one. 你这个旧收音机早该进博物馆了,早该换个新的了。5. public 1) adj. 公众的,与公众有关的 (通常做定语) 反义词 private 都做定语 a public garden public affairs 公事 public education 民众教育 public health 民众健康 public libraries 公共图书馆 the public highway 公路 2)n. 公众,民众 the public 民众,公众 in public: openly 公开的,公然的 (反义词:in private 私自的,私下的) eg. She apologized to the public in public for her mistakes. 她公开的像公众对她所犯的错误道歉。6. friendly adj. 友好的 friend n. 朋友 1) make friends with sb 和某人交朋友2) A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难朋友才是真的朋友。3) close friends 密友 bosom friend 知己4) boy friend girl friend friendly adj. 友好的friendly nations 友邦a friendly smile 一个友好的微笑a friendly welcome 友好的欢迎 a friendly manner 友好的态度ly 结尾的形容词:friendly lonely 孤独的 silly 蠢的 brotherly 兄长般的lovely 可爱的 deadly 致命的 likely 可能的7. waiter (饭店,旅馆,餐厅等) 服务员 waitress 女服务员 -ess 女性的象征 actor actress prince 王子 princess 王妃,公主 tiger tigress 8. lend v. 借,借出去 lend-lent-lent lend sb sth=lend sth to sb 借给某人某物 borrow sth for sb 像某人借某物 eg. Can you lend me 200 Yuan? 你能借给我200块钱吗? Ill pay you back tomorrow. 我明天就还给你。 eg. I lent that CD to John but never got it back. 我把cd借给John了,但是再也拿不回了。 lend sb a hand = give sb help 帮谁忙 lend sb an ear (耐心地)倾听 be living on borrowed time 大难不死 lender 出借人,贷方 borrower 借东西的人,借方9. decision n. 决定 decide v. 决定decide to do 决定做某事make up ones mind to do 下定决心做eg. I decided to study another foreign language. 我决定再学一门语言。 =I made up my mind to study another foreign language.eg. With so many choices, its hard to decide which to buy. 这么多选择,真不知道该买哪个。eg. Its difficult to decide between the two. 这两者之间很难选择。make a decision 做出决定reach a decision come to a decision arrive at a decision 做出决定eg. On the last day of my holiday, I made a big decision.eg. Anyone who lacks decision shouldnt be a leader. 那些
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