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The First Period,Section A(1a-2c),Unit 11 How was your school trip?,Aims and language points:,Teaching aims (教学目标) 1. 主要是学习一般过去时的定义,能用一般过去时描述过去发生的事情, 学会使用一般过去时的陈述句,及一般疑问句和答语。 2. 学会使用知道go, milk, ride, feed, talk, take 的过去式。 3. 能够理解一般过去时的对话,能准确抓住听力材料中的细节问题 Language points (语言点) 1. 词汇:1)名词n. cow, horse, farmer, farm, farming, countryside 2)形容词adj. excellent, clean 3)动词 v. milk, feed, grow, pick 4) 副词 adv. quite 5) 代词 pron. anything 2. 句型:Did you see any cows? Yes, I did. I saw quite a lot. Did you ride a horse? No, I didnt. But I milked a cow. Were they good? What did Carol do?,What does she usually do on weekends?,ride a horse,milk a cow,What does she usually do on weekends?,feed chickens,What does she usually do on weekends?,take some photos,What does she usually do on weekends?,go for a walk,What does she usually do on weekends?,talk with a farmer,What does she usually do on weekends?,go for a walk - went for a walk milk a cow - milked a cow ride a horse - rode a horse feed chickens - fed chickens talk with a farmer - talked with a farmer take some photos - took some photos,Simple past tense,She went for a walk.,What did she do on her school trip?,What did she do on her school trip?,She rode a horse.,She milked a cow.,What did she do on her school trip?,She fed chickens.,What did she do on her school trip?,She took some photos.,What did she do on her school trip?,She talked with a farmer.,What did she do on her school trip?,went for a walk_ milked a cow _ rode a horse _ fed chickens _ talked with a farmer_ took some photos _,1a. Match the phrases with the pictures.,e,b,a,c,f,d,1b. Listen and circle the three things Carol did on her school trip.,1c. Ask and answer the questions about Carols school trip.,A: Did Carol take any photos? B: Yes, she did.,_ What did the farmer say? _ What did you see? _ Did you learn anything? _ Did you ask him any questions? _ Did you grow any apples? _ Do they grow apples? _ Did you eat them? _ Were they good?,The farmer showed Carol around the farm. T F Carol learned a lot about farming. T F The farmers grow strawberries from December to June. T F 4. The farmers dont grow apples. T F 5. Carol picked some strawberries and took them home. T F,Homework,Oral: 朗读并熟记第61页的短语,及本节 课所学到的动词过去式。 Written: 1.抄写第61页的短语; 原型+过去式。 2. 挑选20个学过的动词,写在笔记本上, 预习书后关于动词过去式变化的讲解, 试着将自己找的20个动词变成过去式。,
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