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,写作话题:Daily activities (日常活动),Unit 2 My Daily Life,1.掌握以时间为主线的记叙文的写作 方法。 2. 学习图表作文的写作策略。 3.懂得“Time is life .Enjoy your day !”,珍惜时间,热爱生活。,Learning objectives,Pre-writing Writing guidelines(写作方法指导),1.记叙文的写作线索 一般叙述的线索可分为以下几种: 以时间为线索,按时间的顺序来展开。 以地点为线索,以地点的转移为顺序来展开。 以事件发展的过程为线索,或以人物出现的先后次序来展开。 以事物的象征意义为线索来展开。 以人物的思想行为及认知的过程为线索来展开。,以时间为线索的记叙文,主要是 以时间的推移进行描写,时间成为贯 穿全文的一条线索。,图表作文主要通过一些表格、数据图和一些文字说明来开展的写作。学会从图表中找出信息确定文章的写作思路。,2. 图表类型的写作,(1)简要描绘图表的直观内容。,写好图表作文的第一步就是要把自己眼睛直观看到的图表内容简单地描述出来。,(2)阐明观点并深层探讨。,图表作文的观点一般在题干中都会清楚地给出来,在阐明观点之后,对这个观点进行论证和深层探讨,(3) 总结陈述观点并给出合理建议,根据不同的图表内容和主题给出相应的建议或者评价,对全文进行观点总结。,1Unit topic languages(单元话题语言) 以连线、标序号等形式列举本单元与本话题写作相关的词块、句子。,Language box(语言工具箱),名词/动名词词块: an interesting job , a funny time , school days , half an hour , fruit and vegetables, ,(1)Chunks(词块),(1)Chunks(词块),动词词块: go to bed, learn a lot , have lunch , play sports , be late for , study hard , wait for , take a break , be busy , last for one hour ,介词词块: asas, fromto, after that , during weekdays , ,(1)Chunks(词块),Quiz: Read aloud the chunks above and try to match the meaning by numbering.,名词/动名词词块: ( )一份有趣的工作 ( )上学日 ( )水果和蔬菜 ( )有趣的时光 ( )半个小时,动词词块: ( )学到很多 ( )吃午饭 ( )做运动 ( )上床睡觉 ( )迟到 ( )努力学习 ( )忙碌 ( )持续一个小时 ( )休息 ( )等待,介词词块: ( )和一样 ( )在工作日期间 ( )在那之后 ( )从到,(2)Patterns(句型),I am busy. ; I have to ; I often play sports for ; I begin to; I dont until; I think its because ; My daily life is asas; Its good for; It lasts for; What a ;,2. Extensive languages(拓展性语言),Famous saying,proverbs, aphorisms and Classical sample sentences(名言、谚语、警句与经典例句),1. Time and tide wait for no man. 岁月不待人。 2. Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today. 今日事,今日毕。 3. Time tries truth. 时间检验真理。 4. I can make it through the rain. I can stand up once again on my own. 我可以穿越云雨,也可以东山再起。 (玛丽亚凯莉),5. No hand can make the clock strike for me the hours that are passed. - Byron 光阴如流水,一去不复返。-拜伦 6. Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well. 任何值得做的,就把它做好 。 7. In the end, its not the years in your life that count. Its the life in your years. 到头来,你活了多少岁不算什么,重要的是, 你是如何度过这些岁月的。 8. Turn the page on yesterday. Only ever think about today and tomorrow. 把昨天翻过去,只去考虑今天和明天。,half past six ten past seven a quarter past ten twenty to eleven twenty past seven twenty-five to seven nineteen past five a quarter to seven,Game:根据箭头指向的时间,用past/to来表达。,What activity can you see?,What activity can you see?,do homework,get up,What activity can you see?,What activity can you see?,eat breakfast,go to bed,get dressed,What activity can you see?,brush teeth,exercise,go to school,take a shower,Group-work:扩写句子 (请用相关的频率副词及连接词表达你所做的事情),I brush my teeth at 6:45.,I sometimes brush my teeth at 6:45.,After that, I brush my teeth at 6:45.,After getting dressed, I brush my teeth at 6:45.,I brush my teeth from 6:45 to 6:48 .,Ten minutes later, I brush my teeth at 6:45.,Then , I brush my teeth at 6:45.,Group-work: 故事接龙 (每个组员轮流说一个句子,注意开头、结尾、内容的完整、相关频率副词及连接词的运用,使内容更完整、语言更流畅优美。),S1:I have a healthy life. S2:I usually get up at six-thirty。 S3:After that, I brush my teeth. S4: Then, S5: S6:,While writing,请你以“My Daily Life”为题,介绍一下你的 日常生活。要求字数不少于70个单词,可参考以 下内容:,Step1 Think and Fill(想一想,填一填),审题 体裁:_ 人称:_ 时态:_,第一人称,一般现在时态,记叙文,My Daily Life,Beginning:_ _,Main body:_ _,Ending:_ _,get up/go to school/play sports do homework,My life is busy, but I feel .,I have a busy life.,My daily life is busy.,Step2 Structurize (列一列 ),What a life !,Writing Time,Step3 Write(写一写),用词方面:,代词主格,宾格; 名词单复数; 动词搭配;副词位置,句子方面:,篇章方面:,细节方面:,句子完整;主谓一致;动词时态; 连词使用,内容完整;要点齐全;布局合理,单词拼写;标点符号;大小写,Step 4-Check(查一查),Appreciating & Evaluating 欣赏与评价,After writing:,请交换习作互相欣赏,用红笔划出对方的亮点,并对 不足的地方进行适当修改。 你能给同学什么建议,使得对方的习作更好呢? 根据worksheet上的评分标准,给同伴的习作打分。,请和同伴交换习作,依据以上提示和下列评价表,相互欣赏与修改习作,然后给对方的习作打分。,Step5 同伴互赏我欣赏,我快乐!,修改习作时可使用这些符号: 优美句子; 漏词; 错处:; 删除; 语法错误 G ; 人称错误 P; 时态错误 T; 拼写错误Sp,评分表,乐在交流,乐 在分享,Show Time,My daily life I am busy every day. Every morning ,I get up at 6:30. At 6:50 , I eat breakfast . I have to go to school at ten past seven. I often have lunch at twelve oclock. From 1pm to 2pm , I take a break. Later, have my class. Sometimes, I play sports for one hour after 17:10. Then I go home. After eating dinner, I do my homework at 19:30. I go to bed at 22:00. Time and tide wait for no man. Although my life is busy , I have to study hard and enjoy it .,本文脉络清晰,整篇文章非常有条理性。,第一句话之入主题,给整篇文章定下了忙碌的基调。,以时间为线索展开描述,随着时间的迁移,写出了作者一天忙碌的生活,时间的表达使用恰当,句子安排合理。,全文使用“after. after doing,later,then ”等连词使行文连贯,更有层次感;,引用了Extensive languages中的名言“Time and tide wait for no man.”, 语句活泼流利,用词精当,道出珍惜时间、努力学习的态度和决心。,My daily l
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