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Unit 1,Warming up,Cultural relics,Teaching aims: 1. To correct the pronuciation of the new words. 2. To learn about some new words and learn to use them. 3. Know about something of cultural relics. Teaching important point: Learn the new words in unit one and know about the cultural relics. Teaching difficult point: Learn to use the words,The Pyramids in Egypt,Stonehenge / Britain Salisbury plain,Triumphal Arch,Triumphal Arch,The Leaning Tower of Pisa,Taj Mahal,Taj Mahal,吴哥窟,柬埔寨吴哥窟,Some Cultural Relics in China,Potala Palace, Lhasa,Mount Huangshan,Forbidden City,The Great Wall,丽江,秦陵兵马俑,秦陵,秦陵兵马俑,Mount Taishan,The temple of heaven,Longmen grottoes (龙门石窟),敦煌莫高窟,莫高窟,Capital cities and tombs of the ancient koguryo kingdom(高句丽王城、王陵).,集安将军坟,颐和园,颐和园,颐和园,A cultural relics,Something old,Something rare,Something valuable,Whats a cultural relic?,A cultural relic is something that has surveved for a long time; often a part of something old that has remained when the rest of it has been destroyed; it tells people about the past.,What is a cultural relic?,A cultural relic is something that ,is very old, survived for a long time; should have some value; is either natural or man-made, can be created by nature or our ancestors(祖先); tells people about the past. ,rare-(adv)rarely valuable-(n) value formerprevious informal-formal designdesigner worth-be worth doing local-local people, local government dynasty -the Qing Dynasty furniture n.家具(总称)much furniture / a lot of furniture /a set of furniture/ a piece of furniture apart (adv). 分离;分别地 stand apart / keep apart from take apart 拆开 take apart the machine / take sb. apart,SOME NEW WORDS,Words and expressions of cultural cultural adj. 文化的 a cultural independence / cultural exchange relic n. sth. old that reminds us of the past 遗迹;古物 unearthed cultural / a relic of early civilization survive vt. to continue to live after幸免于;幸存;之后还活着 survive the traffic accident / survive all her children,remain vi. 1. to stay or be left behind after others have gone or been removed 停留;留居;留下 When the others had gone, Mary remained and put back the furniture. 2. to continue to be( in an unchanged state)继续;依然 remain young / remain to be uncompleted; Peter became a judge but John remained a fisherman. If you wont eat youll just have to remain hungry! 3. It remains to be seen, we shall know later on. 情况仍未明,要看怎样发展。,state n. 国家;政府;州;状态 state schools / state documents / in a poor state of health look into: to examine the meaning or causes of考察,调查 look into the matter / look into the event rare adj. 稀罕的;稀有的;珍贵的 the rare air of the mountains / rare metals / a rare book dynasty n. 朝代;王朝 the Qing Dynasty / the Tudor dynasty in England,belong to to be the property of; to be a member of; to be connected with属于;为的一员;与有关系 belong to a club / belong to a class / belong to me in search of 寻找 in search of the cure to the disease / in search of the lost boy amber n. adj. 琥珀;琥珀制的;琥珀色的 the amber traffic lights / a decoration of amber gift n. 赠品;礼物;天赋 birthday gifts / a gift for music,melt vt. vi. (使)融化;(使)熔化 melt the snow / melt the anger /melt in water heat n. vt. 热;热度;把加热;使激动 the body heat/ the heat of a debate/ heat soup for lunch design n. a plan in the mind; a drawing or pattern showing how sth. is to be made 设计;图案 vt. to imagine and plan out in the mind 设计;构思 curious in design / make a design for a monument; design an engine / design dresses for a queen,fancy adj. 奇特的;异样的(无最高级和比较级)vt.想象;设想;爱好 a fancy price / fancy goods / fancy his coming / fancy herself still young style n. 风格;风度;类型 do things in style / in the style of / out of style. jewel n. 珠宝;宝石 precious jewels / a jewel necklace in return (for): in exchange (for); in payment (for)作为交换;报答;酬谢 in return for her kindness / in return for his gilt,light vt. vi 点火,照亮 light a cigarette / light a torch/ light sb. on his way mirror n. 镜子;反映 a driving mirror / look in the mirror/ a mirror of the times wonder n. 奇迹;惊奇 the wonders of nature/ Its no wonder. /in wonder at war 处于交战状态 be at war / have been at war for long remove vt. to take away(from a place); take off 移动;脱掉;除去 remove the cloth from the table / remove ones hat; Youve got to remove your shoes before you enter the room.,furniture n.家具(总称)much furniture / a lot of furniture /a set of furniture/ a piece of furniture secretly adv.秘密地;背地里 have a talk secretly/ take an action secretly wooden adj. 木制的 a wooden bridge/ a wooden chair doubt n. 怀疑;疑惑;vt.怀疑;不信 there is no doubt about sb./ sth./ no doubt/ not doubt that / doubt whether,mystery n.神秘;神秘的事物 make a mystery of matter / dive into the mysteries of apart adv. 分离;分别地 miles apart / stand apart / keep apart from take apart 拆开 take apart the machine / take sb. apart trial n.审判;审问;试验 hold a trial / trial by a military court / give sb. a trial,consider vt.1. to think about; examine考虑; 思考 Im considering changing my job. Weve decided to move and are considering a new house in Beijing. 2. to regard as 认为 I consider you
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