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Module 3 Sporting life,Unit 2 Liu Xiang was trained for gold.,encourage medal overnight record set set up,鼓励 奖章奖牌 突如其来的,持续整夜的 n. 最高纪录 v.记录 设置制定 建立,创立(公司,机构等),Words and expressions,yearbook first of all represent advertisement coach regularly,年鉴 首先 代表,象征 广告 教练 有规律地,Words and expressions,sportsman hurdle hurdling sportswoman race,运动员,男运动员 n.(跨栏赛跑中用的)栏架 v. 跨栏赛跑 n. 跨栏赛跑 女运动员 比赛,Words and expressions,Liu Xiang,Who is the boy?,Place of birth: Birthday: Height: Body weight: Project:,Shanghai,1983.7.13,188 cm,74 kg,the high jump, 110 m hurdles,something about Liu Xiang,advise ask choose compare encourage help medal notice overnight success record set up symbol train,Look at picture and the title of the passage . Say what you know about Liu Xiang and how he became a sporting hero.,part 1,2. Read the passage and choose the sentence which best expresses the main idea.,Liu Xiang _. a) was helped by his sports school to become a gold medal winner b) will be encouraged to be a star and not a sporting hero c) has trained for many years, and will continue to win medals,a won an Olympic gold medal in Athens b hurdling skill noticed. c Training programme changed d appear in films, advertisements and record music e bore in Shanghai f won in Switzerland and Korea g started training at a sports school,3. Complete the time line with the notes.,1. As a symbol , what does Liu Xiang represent? 2. Why does the passage say Liu Xiang is not an overnight success?,4. Answer the questions.,He represents Chinas international sporting success .,Because he trained hard for many years.,3. What was Liu Xiang advised to do in 1998? 4. What was the special programme set up in 2001? 5. What will he be Encouraged to do in the future?,He was advised to change from high jumping to hurdling.,it was a programme to help young sportsmen and sportswomen.,He will be encouraged to train hard for more gold medals.,writing,A special programme helped Liu Xiang . His skill at hurdling was noticed by his coach Sun Haiping.,6. Look at the sentences .,Liu Xiang was helped by a special programme .,His coach Sun Haiping noticed his skill at hurdling.,Coach Wang Bilin noticed Zhang Yining . Wang Bilin asked Zhang Yining to go to Shichahai Sports School .,Now write sentences about Zhang Yinings training .,Zhang Yining was noticed by Coach Wang Bilin.,Zhang Yining was asked to go to Shichahai Sports School by Wang Bilin.,Zhang Yinings training programme took up a lot of her time. Zhang Yinings mother advised her to study as well as train.,A lot of Zhang Yinings time was taken up by her training programme.,Zhang Yining was advised by her mother to study hard as well as train hard.,Join the sentences you wrote in Activity 6 to write a paragraph about Zhang Yining .Use and , although and because .,Words and expressions,encourage vt. 1. 鼓励;怂恿O2 She encouraged him to talk to her. 她鼓励他与她交谈。 2. 促进,助长;激发 Dont encourage her laziness by doing things for her. 别替她做事,这会助长她的懒惰。,medal n. 1. 奖章,纪念章,勋章C She won an Olympic gold medal in swimming. 她获得奥林匹克游泳金牌。,overnight ad. 1. 通宵;整夜 an overnight flight from Boston to London. 从波士顿到伦敦的一整夜的飞行。 2.一夜间,突然 The actor became famous overnight. 那位演员一下子成了名。,record n. 最高记录 he holds the record for the high jump. 他保持跳高记录。,record vt. 1. 记载,记录 He recorded everything that happened on his travel. 他把旅途中发生的每件事都记录下来。 2. 将(声音,景象等)录下 Her speech was recorded on a tape. 她的演讲录在录音带上。,set up 建立,创立 A new government was set up after the war. 新政府于战后成立。,first of all 第一,首先 He is a great soldier first of all. 他首先是位伟大的军人。,represent vt. 1. 代表,象征 The dove represents peace. 鸽子象征和平。 2. 作为.的代表 They said that they represented the committee. 他们说他们代表该委员会。,advertisement n. 广告,宣传U Advertisement helps to sell goods. 广告有助于推销商品。,hurdle n. 1. (赛马或赛跑用的)栏;跳栏 2. 障碍,困难C He overcame many hurdles to become a lawyer. 他克服了许多困难成为一名律师。 vt. 跨(栏) The horse hurdled the fence with ease. 那匹马轻而易举地跨过栅栏。,Language points,1. Dont let them get to you, Tony! 不要让他们影响你,托尼! get to sb 让某人感到烦恼,困扰 eg. The heat was beginning to get to me so I went indoors. 天气很热,让我感到烦躁,所以我回 到屋里。,2. And now that he is well known all over the world, Liuxiang will also be asked to appear in advertisement and films, and even to record music. 现在由于刘翔已经世界闻名了,他 还会被邀请做广告,拍电影,甚至 录唱片。,now that “既然,由于” eg. Now that Mr Liu has arrived, we can begin our meeting. 既然刘先生已经到了,我们就开会吧。,3. Liu was encouraged at first to train as a high jumper. 起初,教练支持刘翔练跳高。 encourage sb to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事,eg. Ms wang always encourages us to speak English in class. 王老师总是鼓励我们上课讲英语。 We were encouraged to learn foreign languages at school. 学校鼓励我们学习外语。,4. It was set up in 2001 to help young sportsmen and sportswomen. 它建立于2001年,用来帮助年轻运动员。 set up “建立,设立,创办,制定”,eg. She plans to set up her own business. 她计划创办自己的企业。 We need to set up a meeting to discuss the plan. 我们需要开个会来讨论这个计划。,Thank you!,
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