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Welcome To our class!,Unit 7 How much are these socks? Section A 1a-1c,许多;多少 /mt / much 短袜 /s:k/ sock T恤衫 /ti:t/ T-shirt 短裤 /:ts/ shorts 毛衣 /swet/ sweater 裤子 /trazz/ trousers 鞋 /u:/ shoe 裙子 /sk:t/ skirt 夹克衫 /dkt/ jacket 美元 /dl/ dollar,n.,示标自学,大的;大号的 /b/ big 小的;小号的 /sm:l/ small 短的;矮的 /:t/ short 长的 /l:/ long 女子;女人 /wmn/ woman 复数 /wmn/ women 需要 /ni:d/ need 看;看上去 /luk/ look 一双;一对 /pe/ pair 买下;拿;取 /tek/ take,Do you like going shopping?,Crystals store,hats,合作精讲,a jacket,a sweater,a shirt,a T- shirt,a skirt,a blouse,pants,shorts,socks,shoes,bags,a shirt,a blouse,Can you remmember ? How to spell it ?,clothes,hat,pants,shorts,jacket,sweater,shirt,T- shirt,skirt,blouse,socks,shoes,store,1.socks_ 2.T-shirt_ 3.shorts_ 4.sweater_ 5.bag_ 6.hat_ 7.pants_ 8.shoes_ 9. skirt _,b,g,a,d,c,f,e,h,i,Crystals store,What do we use to buy things?,Money,dollar 美元,pound英镑,RMB人民币,$,=dollar 美元,=pound英镑,=yuan元,Do you know ?,$ 10=ten dollars, 10=ten pounds, 10=ten yuan,$ 1=one dollar, 1=one pound, 1=one yuan,Listen and circle the things you hear.,1b,A: How much is the hat? B: The hat is six dollars. A: And how much are the shorts? B: Oh, they are eight dollars. A: And the sweater? How much is the sweater? B: Lets see. The sweater is nine dollars.,$ 10,$ 8,$ 4,$ 9,$ 5,$ 3,$ 8,$7,How much is this ? Its dollar(s).,Practice,How much are these ? Theyre dollar(s).,$10,$9,$8,$2,$7,Practice,-How much is this bag? -Its $8. (its = it is; $ = dollar),$8,$9,-How much are these shoes? -Theyre $9. (theyre = they are),$9,$8,those,that,bag,hat,T-shirt,pants,shoes,shorts,sweater,socks,-How much is/are this / that / these / those ? -Its / Theyre $.,$8,$3,$5,$8,$9,$6,$7,$2,Ask and answer:,知识梳理,How much is this/that + n单? Its .,2. How much are these/those + n复 ? Theyre .,big (反义词) _ 2. long (反义词) _ 3. white (反义词) _ 4. sock (复数) _ 5. shoe (复数) _ 6. this (复数) _ 7. that (复数) _ 8. dollar (复数) _ 9. 需要我帮助吗? _ 10. 这个怎么样? _ 11. 我将买它。_ 12. 三美元两双 _ 13. 给你 _,short,small,按要求写出正确的单词或词组。,black,socks,shoes,those,dollars,these,Can I help you?,How/What about this one?,Ill take it.,three dollars for two pairs,Here you are.,知识梳理,一、单项选择 1. -_? -Yes, please. I want a computer game. A. What do you want B. What will you buy C. Here you are D. Can I help you 2. Thank you very much. -_. A. Here you are. B. Youre welcome C. Thank you, too D. Not thanks. 3. My room isnt _. Its very small. A. white B. long C. short D. big 4. How much _ do you have? A. apples B. trousers C. milk D. people 5. The small shop sells bags _ only 10 yuan. A. in B. at C. for D. to,D,B,D,C,C,达标巩固,二、用how many 和how much 填空。,_ _ is the red sweater? 2._ _ apples are there (有) on the desk? 3._ _ are the trousers? Thirty dollars. 4._ _ girls are there in our classroom?32. 5._ _ are the shoes? Five dollars. 6._ _ milk(牛奶)do you want?,How much,How many,How much,How much,How much,How many,Save money Save time Thanks for your attention!,Homework,1.作业本第一课时。 2.回家询问父母衣服鞋子的价格。 3.选做:写下你与父母的对话。 4.记忆41页词汇。,Unit 7 How much are these pants? Section A 2a-3c,big (反义词) _ 2. long (反义词) _ 3. white (反义词) _ 4. sock (复数) _ 5. shoe (复数) _ 6. this (复数) _ 7. that (复数) _ 8. dollar (复数) _ 9. 需要我帮助吗? _ 10. 这个怎么样? _ 11. 我将买它。_ 12. 三美元两双 _ 13. 给你 _,short,small,按要求写出正确的单词或词组。,black,socks,shoes,those,dollars,these,Can I help you?,How/What about this one?,Ill take it.,three dollars for two pairs,Here you are.,示标自学,colors,purple,yellow,brown,blue,green,orange,black,red,pink,white,合作精讲,A red sweater,Yellow shorts,A black hat,A green T-shirt,A pink bag,Red socks,A blue hat,big,small,long,short,Antonym 反义词,a,skirt,a,skirt,a,skirt,a,skirt,Listen and circle the tings you hear.,2a/b,$5,$8,$6,$7,$2,$9,A: What are these? B: Theyre shoes. A: What color are these shoes? B: Theyre brown, theyre brown shoes,a shirt a green shirt,shoes brown shoes,A: Whats this? B: Its a shirt. A: What color is this shirt? B: Its green, its a green shirt.,pants blue pants,a pair of,socks red socks,shorts white shorts,a bag a small pink bag,a hat a big black hat,a sweater a long, blue and purple sweater,a T-shirt a short purple T-shirt,$5,$=dollar,A:
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