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第一部分 教材知识研究,八年级(上) Units 3 -4,考点一 辨析both与all 考点二 辨析loudly, loud与aloud 考点三 辨析reach, arrive与get to 考点四 辨析be similar to, take after, look like与be like 考点五 辨析information, message与news 考点六 辨析give, offer, provide与supply,练讲重难点,1. Lily, Mary and Tom are in America for further study. A. both B. all C. either D. neither,B,2. There are tall trees on sides of the river. A. both B. either C. all D. neither,A,练讲重难点,重难点精析,考点一,辨析both与all(4年2次),考点抢测,3. There arent enough books for everybody, so all of have to share with each other. A. we B. our C. ours D. us,D,满分点拨,4. My sister likes reading in the early morning. A. loud B. aloud C. louder,B,5. That music is too . Please turn it down. A. loud B. louder C. loudly D. aloud,A,考点二,辨析loudly, loud与aloud(4年1次),考点抢测,6. Jeff is different from others because he is than other kids. A. aloud B. loudly C. loud D. louder,D,loudly,loud, aloud三者均为副词,表示“大声地”。 loudly多表示“(人声、敲门声或其他各种声音)声大、喧闹、不悦耳”。如:Theyre arguing in the room loudly.他们正在屋里大声争辨。 loud主要指“(说话声和笑声等)响亮地”,常用比较级形式。此外,loud还可用作形容词。如:Could you please speak a little louder?能请你再大点声儿讲吗?,满分点拨,考点三,辨析reach, arrive与get to,aloud侧重“出声地;高声地”,表示为使人能听见 而发出声音,既非心想又非默读。如:Please read the text aloud.请大声朗读这篇课文。,7. 遵义的风俗和贵阳的很相似。 The customs in Zunyi those in Guiyang.,are similar to,8. Jane really her sister. A few people can tell the difference between them. A. takes after B. takes in C. takes off D. take after,A,考点四,辨析be similar to, take after, look like与be like(4年3次),考点抢测,9. The sky is covered by cloud. It its going to rain soon. A. takes after B. looks like C. is similar to D. is like,B,be similar to某物为某人所熟知, 与相似。用法广泛,一般都是用在相近或相似的物品和情境的对比上。 如:My pen is similar to yours. 我的钢笔和你的相似。 take after长得像,行为、性格等像,主要指有血缘关系的亲子之间外貌相似,尤其是像自己的长辈。另外,也可用在性格脾气这些内在特质上。如:Mary really takes after her mother. 玛丽的确长得像她的妈妈。,满分点拨,look like能够用来表达take after的意思,但look like多指视觉上的相似,应用范围广,可以用于所有场合,既可指人也可指物,只指外表看上去像。如:The man looks like our headmaster. 那个人看起来像我们的校长。 be like比look like的应用范围更大, 可指“品德、性格、相貌”等等,而look like则常指“相貌”看起来像。如:He is like his father. 他性格很像他的父亲。,考点五,辨析information, message与news,考点六,辨析give, offer, provide与supply,1. When you are in trouble, you should call for help. A. loudly B. aloud C. louder D. loud,B,2. My bag Jacks but his is bigger than mine. A. is similar to B. takes after C. looks like D. is like,A,试题在线,3. Look! These pants, shirts, coats, dresses and sweaters are her clothes. A. each B. all C. both D. either,B,
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