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Unit2 Cloning,Period 1 Warming up& Reading,What will you think of ?,cloning,A strawberry plant,The plant produces its own runners.,A stem Take cuttings from growing plants to make new ones.,They are identical in sex and appearance, who are produced from the same original egg.,She was c_while the others were born naturally. It is the exact copy of another sheep and the first cloned mammal.,different from,loned,Dolly the sheep,Its name is Andi, the first genetically modified monkey.,Dog Snuppy was created by Korean and American scientists,Cloning is a way of making an exact _ of another animal or plant.,What is Cloning?,copy,What is the difference among them ?,clone,Clone, also called reproduce asexually (无性生殖 /繁殖), is the creation of cells or whole animals using DNA from a single “parent”, without using the normal reproductive (有性生殖) process. The clone has the exactly same DNA to the parent. It includes natural and man-made clone.,Whats clone?,Prediction,What do you think the article is about by reading this headline?,CLONING :WHERE IS IT LEADING US?,What is the main idea of the passage?,The passage tells us that animal cloning raised _ and scientists are not sure about its_.,arguments,future,What is the writing style? Expositive(说明文) Descriptive(记叙文) C. Argumentative(议论文),Skimming,_.Cloning has two major uses and successful clone. _.Cloning is a way of making an exact copy of another animal and plant(definition) _. The effect of Dolly. _. It is forbidden to clone human beings. _.The problems of Dolly.,1,2,3,4,5,True of false :,Four female sheep participate in the cloning of a new sheep. Electricity is needed in the procedure. Sheep B provides a somatic cell for the clone. The lamb is the exact copy of sheep A.,T,F,T,F,Which of the following statements about cloning is NOT true according to text? A. Cloning is something that has been developed quite recently. B. Twins that look exactly the same are originally from the same egg. C. Cloning is used by gardeners to make more money. D. Animal cloning is much more difficult than plant cloning.,The cloning of Dolly the sheep succeeded because_. A. its easier to clone a sheep than other animals B. the scientists were determined and worked hard with patience C. the scientists were rewarded and got lots of money D. many other attempts to clone mammals failed,The determination and patience of the scientists was rewarded/ paid off.,Cloning is valuable for _ research on animals.,medical,Problems of cloning,Animal clones may develop the _ of older animals,illnesses,Animal clones may die _ than the original animals.,younger,_ _may want to clone themselves.,There are_ _to cloning human beings.,Advantages of cloning,Medical cloning could produce _for serious illnesses in humans.,cures,Cloning plants can produce large _ of plants for _.,quantities,Cloning plants can be useful for research on _ _ _.,species,Evil leaders,plant,sale,moral,new,objections,We can conclude _ Cloning is good for us. Cloning has two aspects. If cloning is used in a correct way it can bring many convenience to us. If cloning is used in an evil way it can cause much trouble.,We should use cloning in a wise way !,As a coin has two sides, everything has two aspects. On one hand, if cloning is used in a correct way it can bring many convenience to us. On the other hand, if cloning is used in an evil way it can cause much trouble. Therefore, we should use cloning in a correct way.,Languge Points,1. In pairs, look at these pictures and discuss which ones are natural clones and which ones are man-make. Explain how they differ.,1. differ vi. different, difference,她的方法跟我的没有很大不同。 Her method _. 现代飞机跟早期的在很多方面有所不同。 Modern airplanes _ early ones _ many aspects. 对于如何解决问题, 我跟他的意见不一致。 I _ how to solve the problem.,doesnt differ much from mine.,differ from,differ with him,in,differ是不及物动词, 主要有两个义项:“不同, 相异;不同意, 意见相左”。,1). sb. differ from/with sb. on/about sth.; 2). sth. and sth. differ in ; 3). sth. differ from sth .,2. 这种现象也发生在动物身上,从同一个原生卵产生性别与外貌相同的双胞胎也是克隆。 It also happens in animals when twins _ are produced from the same_ .,identical in sex and appearance,original egg,3. 研究克隆的科学家们沮丧地发现多莉得的病更容易发生在年老的动物身上。 Cloning scientists _ that Dollys illnesses were more _ a much older animal.,were cast down to find,appropriate to,不要这么沮丧, 打起精神来! Dont _. Just keep up your spirits. 发现事情的真相使他很沮丧。_,be so cast down,Finding out the truth cast him down.,undertake vt. 着手做, 从事, 进行; 担任, 承担, 答 应 科学家从事这项实验。 The scientist _. 我愿意承担这些变革的责任。 I can _ for the changes. 那个律师接了一个新的案子。 The lawyer _.,4. 这个过程很难实
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