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9A Unit3 Teenage problems,Reading,Revision & Discussion,Do you have any problems?,What is Eddies problem?,What should Eddie do?,What will you do if you have some problems?,Call the hotline Talk to your close friends Write to some editors of newspaper and magazines Write to some youth workers ,Do you find anyone to help you? Who can you go and ask for help? What else can you do to get help from others?,Millie and Simon have both written letters to a youth worker. Read and answer,What is Millies problem? She has a lot of homework to do every day and doesnt have any spare time for her hobbies.,What is Simons problem? He likes playing football and often stays out late to play football. But his parents dont think he should do this.,Listen to the tape and get some information about Millie.,What is Millies aim to write this letter?,What are Millies hobbies? What is her favorite hobby at the moment?,She has a problem and wants to know how to solve it.,Reading ,writing poems, walking ,shopping and painting.,At the moment , painting is her favorite hobby.,P1:,P2:,What does Millie think of homework? What is Millies problem? What does Millie feel about her problem?,It is important to work hard and hand in homework on time.,She spends so much time doing her homework that she cannot find any time for her hobbies.,She really feels bad about it.,P3:,Read Simons letter and try to answer these questions .,What are Simons hobbies? What is his problem?,He loves watching football, reading about football and playing football.,His love of football has become a big problem.,What does Simon like to do after school? How long do they play football? How does Simons parents feel about it? What does Simon feel about his problem?,He plays football with his friends.,They play for three hours and just forget when to stop.,His parents dont like this and ask him to come home earlier.,He feels stressed and bad from time to time.,Listen and repeat,problems,moods,hobbies,reading,writing poems,walking,shopping,painting,Fill in the form.,Name,Grade,Millie,Simon,football,9,9,She doesnt have enough time for hobbies and homework.,He doesnt have enough time to play football.,bad, unhappy,stressed and angry,Part B Match and read.,a. be successful at sth,deal with _ refuse _ accept _ on time _ crazy about _ plenty of _ allow _ achieve _,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,h. be interested in sth or someone very much,g. solve a problem or do a task,f. a lot of,e. say that you will not do sth,d. at the correct time,c. let sb so sth,b. take sth willingly,g. solve a problem or do a task,e. say that you will not do sth,b. take sth willingly,d. at the correct time,h. be interested in sth or someone very much,f. a lot of,c. let sb so sth,a. be successful at sth,Millie Problems Football Skills Friends Feeling bad Feeling stressed Not enough time for hobbies Not enough time for homework Parents Studying English,Simon Problems Football skills Friends Feeling bad Feeling stressed Not enough time for hobbies Not enough time for homework Parents Studying English,Part C Read and finish Sigmund Friends records.,Can you give them some advice?,Part D: A letter from Sigmund to Millie,Dear Millie: Thank you very much for your letter. I hope I can _ you some useful suggestions. You said that you do not have enough time to do your homework. Plan your day carefully. It will be a good _ to make a list of all the homework you have to do. Then work out how much time you need to _ it. This will give you an idea of how much free time you have. You also said that you do not have enough time for your _. Perhaps you can choose one hobby to do each day, for example, playing _ today and playing ping-pong the next day. I hope you think that my advice is _ taking. Best wishes Sigmund friend,complete,hobbies,volleyball,worth,offer,choice,Read the replied-letter and work out the ways about how to solve Millies problem.,How to treat homework : How to do hobbies:,Plan your day carefully Make a list of all the homework Work out your free time,Choose one hobby to do every day,A letter from Sigmund to Simon Dear Simon: Thank you for your letter .I hope I can offer you some useful _. It seems that you spend a lot of time_football. Of course, it is very important to have hobbies. However, it is not wise to spend hours playing football after school or_late. I agree with your parents that it is better for you to go home earlier. Do not give up your hobby but do not forget about your family, either. Play football for an hour or two, and then go home. This is a good way to keep a _ between study and hobbies. Your parents are not _; they just do not want you to stay out so late. I hope my answers will be of some _ to you. Best wishes Sigmund,playing,stay out,balance,value,advice,strict,How to solve Simons problem?,Sigmunds suggestions
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