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Reading (1),Unit 2,British,American,film autumn holiday rubber football lorry shop,Look for friends for the words.,movie,soccer,eraser,fall,vacation,truck,store,Revision,movie,fall,vacation,eraser,soccer,truck,store,Boys and girls have lessons together. They are in a mixed (混合的) school.,Presentation,Zhao Benshan and Song Dandan are buddies (搭档、朋友).,They are my heroes (英雄).,They are playing baseball (棒球).,French (法语) is my favourite foreign (外国的) language (语言).,Some questions for you:,1. Do you like your school? 2. How many lessons do you have every day? 3. Whats your favourite subject? 4. How long do you do sports every day? 5. Whats your school life like?,Lead-in,Try to say differences between British School and American School.,Pre-reading,What is life in an American school like?,What is life in a British school like?,American school life,Boys read te passage about life in an Amercian school.Fill in the blanks.,John _ to the Buddy Club. Older students _ new sudents _ _ _ the school. Tony is his _. They have _ classes every day. On Friday afternoon, their school ends _ than usual. _ a week, he _ baseball after school. He loves his _ very much.,British school life,While-reading,Girls read :Life in a British School and answer.,Who wrote the first passage? 2. What is Nancys favourite subject? 3. What activity does the school have every year?,Nancy.,French.,It has a Reading Week every year.,Read and fill in the form.,Nancy,Buddy club different classes play baseball,Rocky Mountain High School, Denver,Life in a British School &Life in an American School,John,Reading Week,Woodland school, London,Life in a British School &Life in an American School,Every year,every Monday every day twice a week,Can borrow more books from the school library and read anything he likes,older students help new students learn more about the school life loves the game,John,Nancy,Post-reading,Chinese school life,Introduce your school life .,Which? What? Why? What? How often? How? Who? ,Dream school life,Group work,Talk about your dream school life,timetable/homework subjects/lessons classmates/teachers after-school activities/clubs sports centre/libraries ,If you have a chance to study in America or Britain, what is your choice?Why?,Homework,
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