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体裁2 夹叙夹议文.对点训练AIt was just a simple sixletter word.When I was about thirteen,it had such a(n)_1_definition(定义)which tore my world apart.The sixletter word named cancer took many lives;_2_,a close loved one of minemy grandfather._3_my grandfather had such a disease,he never gave in.One day he told me,“Jaz,I know that I have cancer,and some things may_4_from now on,but dont_5_that Im going down without a fight.”Those words came from the strength and courage that were his_6_.He wasnt the type of person choosing to_7_and give up.If he had to fight,then hed fight.No_8_were asked.And that was what kept me through almost three years of warm,salty tears and_9_that things would get better.Yet,life without him was something I declared_10_.I hated thinking of the possibilities of him_11_ me;it was not something that I wanted to think about,but I did because I couldnt_12_my negative thoughts.Ive learned a lesson through the_13_of losing my grandfather.Losing him is more of _14_than it is extreme sadness.Yes,I have lost my best friend and hero,but that doesnt mean that Im going to hide in the corner and_15_the“what ifs”and“if onlys”I_16_to let myself do so.Just like him,he wasnt going down without a fight,and neither am II have to keep fighting although the situation becomes_17_.He has suffered the pain,and I have suffered the_18_.Cancer has won yet again,but that doesnt matter.He will always hold the title that he held on for two long,good years.I will not_19_my intelligence and sit on the couch for the rest of my life.He told me to do something,and be someone.My only wish is for him to_20_see me make it.语篇解读作者的祖父虽然身患癌症,但是却勇于面对病魔,从不屈服。这让作者从中汲取了与生活中的痛苦抗争的力量。1A.comprehensiveBamazingCpainfulDdifferentC考查形容词。根据下文中的tore my world apart,pain等内容可知,此处指作者认为这个六个字母的单词的定义令人感到痛苦。2A.particularlyBgraduallyCcertainlyDgenerallyA考查副词。这个六个字母构成的单词是cancer,它夺去了许多人的生命,尤其(particularly)是作者所爱的人之一他的祖父。3A.SinceBAfterCWhenDAlthoughD考查连词。作者的祖父虽然罹患癌症,但是他没有向疾病屈服,所以此处用Although引导让步状语从句。4A.disappearBchangeChappenDremainB考查动词。作者的祖父对作者说,“Jaz,我知道自己患了癌症,从现在开始,有一些事情会有所改变(change),但是不要认为(think)我会不抗争就倒下。”5A.admitBdemandCcomplainDthinkD考查动词。参见上题解析。6A.personalityBadvantageCfavoriteDtalentA考查语境选词。结合上一句话和本句中的strength and courage可知,此处指这些话源自作者祖父性格中的毅力和勇气。7A.burst outBtake downCbreak downDmake outC考查动语短语。根据上文中的“dont_5(think)_that Im going down without a fight”及下文中的“wasnt going down without a fight”和“keep fighting”可知,作者的祖父不会因为疾病而精神崩溃并且轻言放弃。break down意为“垮掉”,符合语境。8A.opinionsBquestionsCreasonsDexplanationsB考查名词。根据上一句话可知,如果祖父不得不抗争,他就会抗争,而不去问为什么。9A.imaginingBsupposingChopingDbelievingC考查语境选词。作者在祖父患病之后的三年里非常难过,一直希望(hoping)祖父的病情会有所好转。10A.impossibleBfortunateCstrangeDspecialA考查形容词。根据语境可知,在作者看来,没有祖父的生活简直是不可能的(impossible)。11A.scoldingBforgettingCmissingDleavingD考查动词。此处指作者不愿意去想祖父因为患病而离开(leaving)自己的可能性。12A.rememberBgraspCstandDreplaceC考查动词。虽然作者并不愿意考虑祖父可能去世的问题,但是却考虑了,因为自己实在不能承受(stand)自己消极的想法。13A.strugglesBpuzzlesCtroublesDdoubtsA考查名词。根据上下文可知,此处指的应是作者曾在失去祖父的痛苦中努力挣扎(struggles),并从中得到了启示。14A.experienceBshockCmotivationDfortuneC考查名词。根据语境可知,失去祖父的经历对作者来说更多的是一种动力,而不是极度的悲伤。motivation“动力,积极性”。15A.debateBguessCrecallDreciteD考查动词。虽然作者最终还是失去了祖父,但是不会就此藏在某一个角落,独自去逐一列举(recite)那些“如果”和“要是就好了”,他拒绝(refuse)让自己这样做。16A.preferBrefuseCpromiseDhesitateB考查动词。参见上题解析。17A.astonishingBdifficultCapparentDfrighteningB考查形容词。尽管情况变得困难(difficult),作者必须不断奋斗。18A.regretBpanicCsorrowDfailureC考查名词。根据上文中的extreme sadness,pain可知,此处指的是作者的祖父遭受了疼痛,而作者经受了悲伤。sorrow“悲伤,悲痛”,符合语境。19A.valueBabuseCimproveDwasteD考查动词。根据句中的sit on the couch for the rest of my life可知,作者意识到自己不会独坐一隅黯然神伤,浪费(waste)自己的才智。20A.immediatelyBactuallyCoccasionallyDnaturallyB考查副词。根据上文中的“He told me to do something,and be someone”可知,祖父希望作者能有所成就,成为一个重要的人物,故此处指作者希望祖父能真正(actually)看到自己取得成功。BI was sitting at the bar of a local restaurant having lunch and taking a break.A pretty girl who looked about twentyfive walked in and sat down in a booth(雅座)_1_for her friend.It didnt_2_long before I saw she was trying to stay _3_from other peoples gaze and my heart sank.You could see her hair was_4_and,at such a young age,she was receiving chemo(化疗)I sat there watching her trying to remain composed(镇静的)and she was having a(n)_5_time of it.I_6_for her,imagining what it must be like to go through this and yet I knew some of her_7_.You see I_8_my wife,the love of my life just a few short years ago and watched her slowly fade away.I needed to give a message of_9_to this girl.But how?What could I do?Then it_10_to me!I called over her waitress and explained that I wanted to buy the girl and her friend their_11_but I also told the waitress not to tell her it was me.I also_12_ the waitre
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