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Unit one What time is it?,Lesson 1,this 这,that 那,that 那,this 这,clock 钟表,Whats this? clock book,Whats that? clock book,number 数字,hands 指针,the long hand 分针 指着分钟 the short hand 时针 指着时钟,clock watch,Homework,1、 听读课文 读熟(在书上签字) 2、 抄写课文1遍带中文(大英签字) 3、 图片、小火车词2行(要求会背),Unit one What time is it?,Lesson 2,What _is it? time times,Its half _seven. past bus,过.(多.),half 半点,Its half past _.,Homework,1、 听读课文 读熟(在书上签字) 2、 抄写课文1遍带中文(大英签字) 3、 图片、小火车词2行(要求会背) 4、 画出时间1:30、2:30、2:10、4:20 并写出英语,Unit one What time is it?,Lesson 3,What time is it?,3:00,Its _oclock.,What time is it?,7:00,Its _oclock.,What time is it?,6:30,Its half past _.,What time is it?,8:30,Its half past _.,What time is it?,9:30,Its half past _.,Its a _to six now. quarter card,15分钟,What will they do? go home and watch the cartoons card,quarter 15分钟,Its a _to six.,What time is it?,2:50,Its a _to six.,What time is it?,6:40,Its a _to six.,What time is it?,7:45,Its a _to six.,What time is it?,8:40,Its a _to six.,What time is it?,9:55,Its a _to six.,Homework,1、 听读课文 读熟(在书上签字) 2、 抄写课文1遍带中文(大英签字) 3、 图片、小火车词2行(要求会背) 4、 画出时间 差十分钟三点 并写出英语,
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