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第9课时 Units 910 八年级上册,词 句 梳 理,重难聚焦,第9课时 Units 910 八年级上册,词句梳理,exam/examination,available,until,catch,reply,delete,print,concert,guest,event,without,meeting,organize/organise,upset,advice,wallet,himself,step,experience,trust,prepare for,go to the/a doctor,another time,hang out,the day before yesterday,the day after tomorrow,重难聚焦,第9课时 Units 910 八年级上册,词句梳理,look after/take care of,turn down,take a trip,help out,look forward to,hear from,in half,keep to oneself,worry about/be worried about,in the end/at last,preparation,advise,hung,hung,重难聚焦,第9课时 Units 910 八年级上册,词句梳理,caught,caught,invitation,surprising,surprised,close,opening,met,met,meeting,organization,重难聚焦,第9课时 Units 910 八年级上册,词句梳理,understood,understood,understanding,careful,carefully,careless,solution,sadly,sadness,certainly,anger,angrily,重难聚焦,第9课时 Units 910 八年级上册,词句梳理,himself,him,his,Can,you,come,to,Id,love,to,Whats,the,isnt,leaving,until,重难聚焦,第9课时 Units 910 八年级上册,词句梳理,to,see,go,to,say,What,will,happen,give,me,some,advice,Unless,we,talk,to,someone,重难聚焦,第9课时 Units 910 八年级上册,词句梳理,to,find,someone,you,trust,to,talk,to,sharing,a,problem,cutting,it,in,half,halfway,to,solving,重难聚焦,第9课时 Units 910 八年级上册,词句梳理,重 难 聚 焦,考|点|1 prepare v. 使做好准备;把准备好,【点拨】 prepare的常见用法: (1)preparen./pron. 准备 Our teachers are preparing the lessons now. 现在我们的老师们正在备课。 (2)prepare sb. sth.prepare sth. for sb.为某人准备某物 My mother is preparing us a meal. My mother is preparing a meal for us. 妈妈正在为我们做饭。 (3)prepare to do sth. 准备做某事 We are preparing to leave. 我们正准备离开。,重难聚焦,第9课时 Units 910 八年级上册,词句梳理,(4)prepare for sth. 为某事做准备 The students are busy preparing for the midterm examination. 学生们正忙于为期中考试做准备。 (5)prepare sb. for sth. 使某人对某事有所准备 She said so because she wanted to prepare us for the bad news. 她这样说是想使我们对那个坏消息有所准备。 【拓展】 prepare的名词形式: preparation n. 准备,准备工作,重难聚焦,第9课时 Units 910 八年级上册,词句梳理,针对训练 用prepare的适当形式填空 1Jack was _ for the final exam when I came to his home. 2Whatever we do, we should be well _ 3Teachers and students are busy with the _ for the New Year party.,preparing,prepared,preparation,重难聚焦,第9课时 Units 910 八年级上册,词句梳理,考|点|2 invite v. 邀请,【点拨】 invite 意为“邀请”,常见用法: (1)“invite sb. to 某地/活动”意为“邀请某人到某地或参加某活动”。 He invited Jack to his home last Sunday. 上周日他邀请杰克去他家了。 (2)“invite sb. to do sth.”意为“邀请某人做某事”。 I want to invite my friends to take a vacation in my hometown. 我想邀请我的朋友们到我的家乡度假。 (3)“invite sb. for a drink/meal”意为“邀请某人喝一杯/吃饭”。 【拓展】 invitation n. 邀请;请柬,重难聚焦,第9课时 Units 910 八年级上册,词句梳理,针对训练 1琳达邀请我们所有人明天去钓鱼。 _ 2Susans birthday is coming. Among those _ are some of my friends. I guess youve got one. Ainstructions Binventions Cinvitations 3Lily invites me _ Sanya with her this summer holiday. Ain Bto Con,Linda invited all of us to go fishing tomorrow.,C,B,重难聚焦,第9课时 Units 910 八年级上册,词句梳理,考|点|3 experience n. 经验;经历,【点拨】 experience作可数名词时,表示“经历”; 作不可数名词时,表示“经验”。其形容词形式为experienced, 意为“有经验的”。 Mr. Huang has much experience of teaching. 黄老师有着非常丰富的教学经验。 Being a volunteer is an unusual experience to me. 当一名志愿者对我来说是一种不同寻常的经历。 针对训练 1I used to work in the village. Though I have been away for five years, Ill never forget the pleasant _ while working there. Aexperiments Bexpressions Cexperiences 2Everyone wants to learn from _ (experience) teachers.,C,experienced,重难聚焦,第9课时 Units 910 八年级上册,词句梳理,考|点|4 until conj.&prep.到时;直到为止,【点拨】,重难聚焦,第9课时 Units 910 八年级上册,词句梳理,针对训练 1直到我离开的时候,再看这封信。 _ 2My teacher works very hard and he always stays at the office _ 10 pm. Auntil Bsince Cwhile 3Excuse me, may I come in? Not yet. Please stay in the waiting room _ your name is called. Aafter Buntil Cthough,Dont read the letter until I leave.,A,B,重难聚焦,第9课时 Units 910 八年级上册,词句梳理,考|点|5 look after照顾;照料,【点拨】 look after 相当于take care of,意为“照顾,照料”。look after well相当于take good care of, 意为“好好照顾”。 You should look after these babies well. You should take good care of these babies. 你应该照看好这些婴儿。 【拓展】 与look搭配的常考短语 look at看 look up查阅(词典) look for寻找 look out 当心 look round 环顾四周 look through 浏览 look over仔细检查 look out of 朝的外面看 look up to 敬仰 look down upon 轻视 look into 调查 look forward to 期待;盼望,重难聚焦,第9课时 Units 910 八年级上册,词句梳理,针对训练 1We should _ ourselves when we are away from home. Alook at Blook over Clook after 2_! A car is coming. ALook into BLook out CLook for 3You can _ the new words in the dictionary. Alook up Blook out of Clook round,C,B,A,重难聚焦,第9课时 Units 910 八年级上册,词句梳理,考|点|6 receive/accept,【辨析】 (1)receive表示客观上收到,但不一定接受。 (2)accept表示主观上接受。 He received a present yesterday, but he didnt accept it. 昨天他收到了一份礼物,但他没有接受。 He accepted her invitation to the party. 他接受了她的邀请,去参加聚会了。 针对训练 1Have you _ a letter from your parents, Bob? Oh, no. We always communicate with each other on the telephone or online. Aheard Breceived Coffered 2用receive或accept的适当形式填
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