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第10课时 Units 12 八年级下册,词 句 梳 理,重难聚焦,第10课时 Units 12 八年级下册,词句梳理,stomachache,neck,cough,passenger,trouble,situation,kilo/kilogram,rock,spirit,nurse,sign,volunteer,notice,alone,several,strong,journey,repair,wheel,letter,blind,deaf,imagine,carry,clever,重难聚焦,第10课时 Units 12 八年级下册,词句梳理,change,have a cold,take ones temperature,have a fever,take a break/take breaks,get off,to ones surprise,right away,get into trouble,run out (of),be in control of,give up,cheer up,give out,重难聚焦,第10课时 Units 12 八年级下册,词句梳理,come up with,put off,give away,take after,set up,make a difference,feet,knives,interesting,interested,lay,lain,lying,重难聚焦,第10课时 Units 12 八年级下册,词句梳理,hurt,hurt,hit,hit,breath,climber,meant,meant,meaning,meaningful,meaningless,decision,kindness,重难聚焦,第10课时 Units 12 八年级下册,词句梳理,satisfaction,satisfied,broken,imagination,training,trainer,understood,understood,understanding,lone,alone,owner,重难聚焦,第10课时 Units 12 八年级下册,词句梳理,Whats,the,matter,have,a,sore,back,should,drink,with,was,going,along,saw,lying,重难聚焦,第10课时 Units 12 八年级下册,词句梳理,so,that,kept,on,climbing,is,used,to,taking,used,to,be,by,herself,重难聚焦,第10课时 Units 12 八年级下册,词句梳理,make,it,possible,重难聚焦,第10课时 Units 12 八年级下册,词句梳理,重 难 聚 焦,考|点|1 rest v& n. 放松;休息,【点拨】 rest既可作动词也可作名词,意为“放松;休息”。作动词时,相当于have a rest。 Youre too tired. You need to rest for a while. 你太累了,需要休息一会儿。 【拓展】 rest作名词时,还有“剩余部分”的意思,常与定冠词the连用。当the rest或“the rest of the 名词”作主语时,谓语动词要与the rest表示的名词在数上保持一致。 The rest of the water is Kates.剩下的水是凯特的。 This email is for me, and the rest of the emails are for you. 这封电子邮件是写给我的,其余的电子邮件是写给你的。,重难聚焦,第10课时 Units 12 八年级下册,词句梳理,针对训练 1Its so hot outside. Come in and have a(n) _ Arest BXray Ccough 2Some students are playing on the playground, and the rest _ studying in the classroom. Ais Bam Care 3What do you think of the books you bought yesterday? Some books are easy to understand, while the rest _ kind of difficult. Aare Bis Cwere,A,C,A,重难聚焦,第10课时 Units 12 八年级下册,词句梳理,考|点|2 mean v意思是;打算;意欲,【点拨】 (1)mean doing sth. 意味着做某事 Crying sometimes means being sad. 哭有时意味着伤心。 (2)mean to do sth. 打算、计划做某事 We mean to pick him up at the airport this afternoon. 我们今天下午打算去机场接他。 (3)meann./adv. 表示,打算,存心 meanthat从句 表示 The sign means that you cant smoke here. 这个标志表示你不能在这里抽烟。 【拓展】 mean还可以作形容词,意为“小气的,吝啬的”。,重难聚焦,第10课时 Units 12 八年级下册,词句梳理,针对训练 1他是如此的小气,以至于他没有任何朋友。 _ 2I mean _ Beijing this summer vacation. Ato visit Bvisiting Cvisit 3Be careful, boy. The small mistake means _ in an exam. OK. I will. Afail Bfailing Cto fail,He is so mean that he doesnt have any friends.,A,B,重难聚焦,第10课时 Units 12 八年级下册,词句梳理,考|点|3 imagine v想象;设想,【点拨】,重难聚焦,第10课时 Units 12 八年级下册,词句梳理,针对训练 1我不能想象自己在公共场所唱歌。 _ 2Can you imagine yourself _(work) in space alone?,I cant imagine myself singing in public.,working,重难聚焦,第10课时 Units 12 八年级下册,词句梳理,考|点|4 put off推迟,【点拨】 put off为“动词副词”短语,后接名词作宾语时放在off前、后均可,若后接代词作宾语,代词则要放在put与off之间。有类似用法的短语: put out扑灭,熄灭(火) put on穿上 take off脱下 put up张贴 put away收起来 give out分发 cheer up使振奋 pick up捡起来 clean up (把)打扫干净 【拓展】 put off doing sth.意为“推迟做某事”。 He keeps putting off going to the dentist. 他把看牙医的事一拖再拖。,重难聚焦,第10课时 Units 12 八年级下册,词句梳理,针对训练 1You should _ smoking. Its really bad for your health. Aput up Bgive up Cget up 2We cant _ making a plan. CleanUp Day is only two weeks from now. Yes, I think so. Aput on Bput out Cput off 3Dave failed in the singing competition. Hes very sad now. Lets go to _ Awake him up Bcheer him up Cpick him up,B,C,B,重难聚焦,第10课时 Units 12 八年级下册,词句梳理,考|点|5 alone/lonely,【辨析】,针对训练 用alone或lonely填空 1Sofia is independent and she can look after herself when shes _ at home. 2The Smiths live in a _ village, but they never feel _,alone,lonely,lonely,重难聚焦,第10课时 Units 12 八年级下册,词句梳理,考|点|6 lie/lay,【辨析】,Go and lie down for a while. 去躺一会儿吧。 Hainan lies in the south of China. 海南位于中国的南部。 These hens can lay eggs. 这些母鸡能下蛋。 【拓展】 lie n谎言 tell a lie/tell lies 说谎,重难聚焦,第10课时 Units 12 八年级下册,词句梳理,针对训练 1Look! There is an old man _(lie) on the ground. Lets go and help him. OK, I will call 120. 2She quickly _(lay) out the knives and forks on the table and then went to help her mother. 3Tom was punished because he _ to his parents. Alay Blied Claid,lying,laid,B,重难聚焦,第10课时 Units 12 八年级下册,词句梳理,考|点|7 rise/raise,【辨析】,重难聚焦,第10课时 Units 12 八年级下册,词句梳理,针对训练 1Huang Jins father is badly ill in hospital and their family cant afford the cost. We decide to _ some money to help them. Arise Braise Craised 2The mother told her child that the sun _(rises/raises) in the east and sets in the west. 3When he woke up, he found that there were lots of people _(rising/raising) clothes and quilts for the charity outside.,B,rises,raising,重难聚焦,第10课时 Units 12 八年级下册,
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