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Units 35 .阅读理解AEvery year,TIME editors take a look at the past years coolest inventions.In 2015,they picked 25 favorites.These inventions are making the world better,smarter and a little more fun.Here are some exciting ones.A See-through TruckToo often people meet with car accidents because a large vehicle blocks their view.This is especially true in Argentina.The South American country is known for its winding and narrow roads.However,Samsung and ad agency Leo Burnett have come up with a creative solution: the Safety Truck.The system sends video footage (片段) in front of a truck to four screens on its back.It gives drivers a clear view of whats ahead.“We believe this will change the history of road safety,” said Sang Jik Lee,president of Samsung Electronics Argentina.A Virtual (虚拟的) Pencil and PaperIn the 450 years or so since its invention,a pencil has become so common.Its easy to forget how great technology is.It writes darker words when you press it harder.Its marks can be erased (擦掉)Its difficult to digitally copy the way it works.Thats what makes Apples latest effort so impressive.The Apple Pencil allows users to draw,paint,or write on a screen,just as they do on a piece of paper.The Apple Pencil goes for $99,and the iPad Pro is $799.Easy-on ShoesIn 2012,Matthew Walzer,a high school student with a disability,sent a note to Nike.“My dream is to go to college,” he wrote,“without having to worry about someone coming to tie my shoes every day.” Nike appointed a design team to the challenge.This year,they came up with their solution:the Flyease.The basketball shoes can be fastened with one hand.The idea for the mechanism came from “opening and closing a door,” said Tobie Hatfield,the shoes head designer.A pair of Nike Flyease shoes sells for $130.【语篇解读】本文是应用文,题材为日常生活类。本文介绍了几个2015年最酷的发明创造。这些发明创造与人们的生活相关,能极大地提高人们的生活质量。1Once put to use,the Safety Truck_Awill be very expensiveBwill only be sold in ArgentinaCcan greatly reduce car accidentsDcan be the most popular truck in the world答案C细节理解题。根据文章第二段The system sends video footage in front of a truck to four screens on its back.It gives drivers a clear view of whats ahead.“We believe this will change the history of road safety,”可知,安全卡车能告诉司机前方有什么,可以极大地减少交通事故。2What makes the Apple Pencil different from the common pencil?AIt writes more smoothly.BIts marks cannot be erased.CIt can be digitally used on a screen.DUsers have to press it harder when writing.答案C细节理解题。根据文章第三段“Its difficult to digitally copy the way it works.Thats what makes Apples latest effort so impressive可知C项正确。”3It can be learned that Matthew Walzer_Ahas only one foot Bmight have one disabled handCcant play basketball Dwants a pair of Nike shoes答案B细节理解题。根据文章最后一段without having to worry about someone coming to tie my shoes every day和The basketball shoes can be fastened with one hand可知,Matthew Walzer可能有一只手残疾。BJulianne Moore talks about why people are so touched by her film Still Alice.“Its not just because its a disease movie,” she says of the story of Dr.Alice Howland,a 50-year-old university professor and a mother of three who is struck with Alzheimers disease (阿尔茨海默氏病)“Its a movie about mortality (生命的有限) and being,” she says.“It makes us really think about our lives.Youre never closer to loving life than when youre closest to loss.”And Moore is loving her life right now.The actress,54,lives in New York City with her husband,who shes been with for 19 years and married to for 10.They have two kids,a son,Caleb,17,and a daughter,Liv,12.And home really is where her heart is.“Theres nowhere else I want to be.I see a great amount of purpose there and have a real feeling of belonging,” she says.Not only is she a mom with a family,shes also a five-time Oscar nominee (被提名人)“The most difficult thing for me as an actor is dealing with accuracy,with specificity.When you havent actually experienced something,you have a responsibility to be as true as possible,” Moore says.Thats why the first thing she told directors when she took the part of Alice was,“I dont want to represent anything on screen that I dont have experience of.I dont think its fair.” She did four months of research for Still Alice,talking to real women with Alzheimers,doctors working with patients,and visiting a long-term care home.And the results have left viewers moved to tears.So far shes already won a Golden Globe and a Critics Choice award.She may finally win an Academy Award,too.And yes,she wants to win.“Thats the nomination from your peers (同龄人),” she says.“Its a very,very big deal.”She hopes Still Alice affects viewers the same way it did her.“Its uplifting,” she says.“Its about what you love,who you value and how much you love being alive.”【语篇解读】本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了美国女演员朱丽安摩尔以及她主演的电影依然爱丽丝。4What can we learn about Still Alice?AIt is encouraging.BIt makes people
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