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外研小学起点 九年级(下) Module 1,英语课件,Youre sitting in my seat.,Unit 2,Describe these pictures.,Have you ever met such a situation? How do you feel about taking the train? How about the environment on the train? Are there so many people?,Lead-in,1. Where does the story happen? 2. Where is Lin going? 3. Does Lin have the right ticket?,Listen and answer,It happens on a train.,He is going to Beijing.,Yes, he does.,Read the passage and number the phrases in the order they happen., his first long trip by train leaving his village and his home sitting in Lins seat. Slowly the young man stood up This young man has the right tickets With tears in his eyes ,1,2,4,6,5,3,Look at the phrases from the passage. What do you think the passage will be about?,1. Lin often dreamed about the _, and about going to the _. 2. Lin _, _ to speak. 3. Lin looked at the other _ for help. 4. I am _ _ before you. 5. Its _ hours away from here.,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,train,capital,nodded,unable,passengers,getting off,seven,Choose the best answer,1. How old was Lin? A. He was 16 years old. B. He was 26 years old. C. He was 10 years old. D. He was older than his brother.,2. What was it like on the train? A. It was almost empty. B. It was full of people and bags. C. There were few people. D. There were a number of empty seats.,Choose the best answer,3. The man sitting in Lins seat _. A. was bigger and stronger than Lin B. was very brave C. needed the seat more than Lin D. was more interesting than the other passengers,Choose the best answer,4. What did the man with glasses do? A. He looked out of the window. B. He shouted at Lin. C. He told the young man to move. D. He disappeared down the train.,Choose the best answer,5. The young man in Lins seat would get off the train at_. A. Beijing B. the next stop C. Lins village D. Hangzhou,Choose the best answer,6. How long would Lin stay on the train? A. 10 minutes. B. One day. C. 12 hours. D. More than seven hours.,Choose the best answer,7. What did the young man in Lins seat do in the end? A. He gave up the seat. B. He found another seat for Lin. C. He shouted at the man with glasses. D. He looked at Lins ticket.,Choose the best answer,Talk about these questions.,1. How does Lin feel about this trip? Why? Do you think you will ever have the same feelings about a trip?,He feels unhappy and sad. He is angry with the person who takes his seat. If I meet such a man in my trip, I will also be very angry.,2. Was Lin right to ask the young man to move?,I think he was right to do so because the young mans ticket was in another car and he was impolite.,3. What do you think of the young mans behaviour? 4. What do you usually do if you see someone standing on a bus or a train?,Bad and impolite.,If someone standing on a bus or a train is old, ill or pregnant, I will let them take my seat.,5. Can you think of ways to make travel by bus, train or plane better? Make some suggestions about: the season, the time of day, the number of seats, booking tickets,Now it was in front of him, to set off soon. 火车现在就在他前面, 马上就要开了。 这里的 set off 表示“出发, 起程, 动身”。 e.g.: They wanted to set off early in order to get there on time. 他们想早点出发,以便准时能到达那里。,Language points,你打算明天几点钟启程? _ _ 我们本可以早一点动身的。 _ 我们大约四点钟出发。 _,What time are you planning to set off tomorrow?,We could have set off earlier.,We set off around four oclock.,2. Lin nodded, unable to speak. 林点头, 说不出话来。 unable to speak是一个形容词短语, 说 明点头时的状态。,形容词短语作状语,表示方式或伴随,说明谓语动作的方式,表示意义上的增补。其逻辑主语是句子的主语。,Crusoe stared at the footprint, full of fear. = Crusoe, who was full of fear, stared at the footprint. 克鲁索两眼盯着脚印看,满心恐惧。 Flushed and breathless, she bounded in through the gate. 她满脸通红气喘吁吁从大门口跑了进来。,Lin nodded, unable to speak. unable表示“不能的, 不会的” be unable to do表示“不能做某事”。 e.g.: Many passengers were unable to reach the lifeboats. 许多乘客无法够到救生艇。,3. He held Jin in his arms. 他拥抱着Jin。 in ones arms 意为“在怀中”, 注意 arm要用复数形式。如: She has a big dictionary in her arms. 她怀里抱着一本大词典。,4. He pushed past them towards his seat. 他从他们身边向他座位方向挤过去。 push past 从(某人)身边挤过去 e.g.: It was such a crowd, we could hardly push past. 这么大一群人,我们简直没法过去。,towards prep. 向,朝方向 e.g. He headed towards the station. 他向车站赶去。 5. Ive got a long way to go. 我要坐很长时间的火车。 have a long way to go通常表示“(为 达到某个目标)仍有许多事要做”。,e.g.: Li Lin has still got a long way to go before she becomes a successful teacher. 要成为一名成功的教师, 李琳仍有很长 的路要走。,6. Im getting off before you. get off 下(汽车,火车等) e.g. This is where I get off the bus. 这就是我下车的地方。 【反义词】get on 上(汽车,火车等) I want to get on the bus and buy a bus route map. 我想上车买张公共汽车线路图。,Writing Write about something that happened during a trip you have made. 1. say when and where you were going 2. say how you were travelling,3. say what happened before you left 4. say who was travelling with you 5. say what happened 6. sa
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