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Section Warming up & ReadingLanguage Points,课前自主预习,out of work as a matter of fact blow up in trouble turn to give up ones life to put.in prison fight against achieve ones dream be willing to do sth.,课内研析探究,.单词拼写 1His sister ran away from home and went abroad because of family (暴力) 答案: violence 2This kind of washing powder is of good (质量),and doesnt harm our hands. 答案: quality 3The boss was (抨击) by the newspapers for not caring for the workers. 答案: attacked,4Do you know when the Peoples Republic of China was (成立) ? On October 1,1949. 答案: founded 5Your teacher can give you (指导) on choosing a career and writing a job application. 答案: guidance 6I think you should settle your problem in a (和平的) way.Fighting cant solve any problems. 答案: peaceful,7According to the law,women shall enjoy the (平等的) right to vote in our country. 答案: equal 8China is playing an important role on the international political (舞台) 答案: stage,9Bill is a (大方的) person,who has given millions of dollars to help those people in the disasterhit area. 答案: generous 10We must follow the (原则) that education should be fair to everyone. 答案: principle,.选词填空 blow up,be equal to,be willing to,in trouble,turn to,as a matter of fact,lose heart,out of wor 1We should lend a hand to those people . 答案: in trouble 2Jack was arrested by the police because he the government building. 答案: blew up 3Dont .You will succeed sooner or later. 答案: lose heart,4A large number of people are ,and how can the local government ignore the problem? 答案: out of work 5You might think we are close friends. ,I dont know the person who spoke to me just now. 答案: As a matter of fact 6Shes having a lot of trouble with the new computer,but she doesnt know whom to . 答案: turn to,7He is a man who is active in social activities,and he do public service work now and then. 答案: is willing to 8I think he should be given the position because he it. 答案: is equal to,.单句写作 1她是一位伟大的科学家,一生致力于保护野生动物。 She was a great scientist and . 答案: devoted herself/all her life to protecting wild animals 2实际上,他的父亲已经失业两年了。 ,his father . 答案: In fact/As a matter of fact;has been out of work for two years,3当他的亲戚朋友向他求助时,他总是乐于帮助他们。 When his relatives and friends ,he lend them a hand. 答案: turn to him for help;is always willing to 4失业三个月的那个男同志胜任这个工作。 The man who for three months . 答案: had been out of work;was equal to the job 5只有在他为自己的无礼道歉时我才会再理他。 Only when he apologizes for his rudeness to him again. 答案: will I speak,谢谢观看!,
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