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,Unit 2,The Olympic Games,课前自主预习,答案: 1.ancient 2.medal 3.homeland 4.nowadays 5.stadium 6.replace 7.motto 8.swift,take part in stand for every four years play a/an.role/part in as well compete in be admitted as on a regular basis,课内研析探究,答案: completing,答案: hosting,答案: replaced,答案: magical,答案: motto,答案: medal,答案: admitted,答案: volunteers,答案: regular,答案: athletes,答案: nor did they allow,答案: Thats why we always turn to him for help,答案: It was the jewel which was worth one million dollars that,答案: had been admitted to Beijing University,答案: on a regular basis,答案: what used to be a temple,谢谢观看!,
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