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七年级(上),学练优英语教学课件,外研版,学练优七年级英语上(WY) 教学课件,Module 3 My school,Unit 3 Language in use,2. To learn to use prepositions of place: in, on, behind, next to, in front of, near,Objectives:,1. To learn to use there be,There are thirty students in my class. Are there computers on everyones desk? No, there arent. Is there a map of the world? No, there isnt. How many students are there in your class? The library is on the left of the playground.,【本单元例句】,一般采用there be句型。 请看例句: 1. There is an apple on the desk. 2. There are many students on the playground.,在英语中, “某处有某人(物)”这类概念该如何表 呢?,There be的用法,There be 句型的构成形式一般为 “There is/ are 某物人地点”。 它既可表示某地方有什么东西,也可以 表达某地方有什么人。,如果要表达某地方没有某东西或某人, 或者问某地是否有某东西或某人,我们 要用到There be 句型的否定和疑问形 式。否定形式是在be 后加not。 其疑问 形式是将be 提至there 之前。 eg: 1. There isnt a computer on the desk. 2. -Is there a computer on the desk? -Yes ,there is. / No, there isnt.,特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句?,现在我们来总结there be:,There be句型表示“某处有某物”,即表 示存在关系,其构成是: 肯定句: There be + 名词 + 否定句: There be + not + 名词 + 一般疑问句: Be + there + 名词 +?,Yes, there be.,No, there be + not.,注意:,1. 当名词是可数名词单数或不可数名词时,be动词用is;当名词是可数名词复数时,be动词用are。 2. there be 句型遵循就近原则,即be 动词要与和它相近的主语在人称 数上保持一致。 There is a blackboard and two maps on the wall.,3. there be句型的反意疑问仍然用there。 There are some computers on the desk, arent there? 4. 在英语中,动词have或has也表示“有” 的意思,但have (has)表示所属关系, 经常用“人”作主语,表达“某人有”, 而there be句型表示“某处有某物”,即存 在关系,应注意加以区别。 I have a pen. There is a pen on the desk.,How many classrooms are there in your school? 2. Is there a library in your school? 3. Are there any science labs? 4. How many students are there in your class?,Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions about your school.,There are classrooms.,Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.,Yes, there are. There are science labs.,There are students in our class.,5. How many are boys and how many are girls? 6. Are there any computers in your classroom? 7. Is there a blackboard in your classroom? 8. Where is the teachers desk?,There are boys and girls.,Yes, there are. / No, there isnt.,Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.,It is in the front of the classroom.,1. Where is the office building? 2. Where is the dining hall? 3. Where is the playground?,2. Look at the picture and answer the questions.,Its on the right of the gate.,Its behind the science building.,Its in the middle of the school.,4. Where is the sports hall? 5. Where is the science building?,Its on the left of the gate./ Its in front of the science building.,Its between the dining hall and the sports hall.,This is a map of our school.(1)_ the gate is the office building and behind this is the (2)_. (3)_ the classroom building is the library. The science building is (4)_ the dining hall and the (5) _. And behind the dining hall, the playground and the library there are (6)_.,Now complete the passage.,On the right of,classroom building,Behind,between,sports hall,trees,3. Complete the word map with the words and expressions from the box.,blackboard classroom office science building sports hall,school,sports hall,science building,office,computer,library,book,classroom,desk,blackboard,dining hall,Around the world,School age In most countries around the world, children must go to school when they are 5 or 6 years old. Children in the UK go to primary school at 5, and go to secondary school at 11. They cant leave school before they are 16 years old.,next to 紧挨着,可以直接跟在 be 动词后。也可以跟在表示动作的动词用来表示位置关系。 The chair is next to the desk. 椅子紧挨着桌子。 The classroom is next to the office. 教室紧挨着办公室。,一些介词词组用法,next to,in front of 在的前面,常用于说明两个物体间的位置关系。表示此意时,front前面不能使用冠词the。 Theres a tree in front of the science lab.实验室的前面有一棵树。 The library is in front of the gym. 图书馆在体育馆前面。,in front of 和 in the front of,in front of 在(范围外)的前面There is a house in front of the river. 在小河的前面有一座房子。 in the front of 在(范围内)的前面 There is a blackboard in the front of the classroom. 在教室的前面有一块黑板。,after表示时间,表示在一点或一段时间之后;在表示地点时,它表示次序,意为“在后面”。 He goes to school after 6 oclock. 他六点钟以后去学校。 We walk into the meeting room one after another. 我们依次进入会议室。,after 和 behind,behind 表示时间时,指迟于既定的时间;表示地点时,强调位置的后面。 The project is already a month behind with things. 这个项目已经比预定进度晚了一个月。 The chair is behind the desk. 椅子在桌子后面。,Review,There be 句型的构成形式一般为_,There is/ are 某物人地点,1. is your classroom? Its next to the dinning hall. Where B. What C. When,一、单项选择。,2. Are there any desks in your classroom? No, . they arent B. there arent C. it isnt,Practice,3. Are there trees on the hill? Yes, there are . some; any B. any; some C. any; any,4. _ some juice and milk in our fridge(冰箱). There have B. There are C. There is,5. There is water in the bottle. a B. an C. some,6. I am in front of Jim and Jim is me. in front of B. behind C. next to,二、 按照括号内的要求改写下列句子。,1. There are some trees on the hill. (变为否定句),2. There are some girls in the classroom. (变为一般疑问句),3. The li
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