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2019年资料组合训练十九九年级(全)Units 78一、单项选择。(A)1.Dont _ to your parents.It is very impolite.Atalk back Blook upClaugh with Dgive up(B)2.Lucy is driving on such a snowy day.Were all worried about her_. Alook BsafetyCaction Djourney(D)3.I saw Mr.Li go into that building just now.It_be him.He has gone to Beijing on business.Amust BmustntCmay Dcant(A)4.Do you need a helping hand with the job?I can_it.Thanks anyway.Amanage BsupportCencourage Drefuse(C)5.(2018玉林中考)Its said that the best way to relax is _ exercise.I see.But you should keep away _ dangerous sports.Awith;from Bfor;offCthrough;from Dthrough;by二、(2018西宁中考)完形填空。Our children grew up on peanut butter(花生酱) and jelly(果酱) sandwiches.The delicious jelly made them _1_,and homemade was the best choice.I wasnt the jelly maker in this big family.My _2_ was.It was always there.Jelly making was just a way of life for her.She_3_ did it,following the same stepsfrom picking the fruit to setting the finished jelly on the shelf.In April,my mother left us forever.We decided to_4_ potted things in the house.Each of us chose from the many pots of tomato juice,green beans and jelly.The other day I _5_ the jelly for a quick sandwich.I suddenly _6_ something that I had not paid attention to before.This was the last pot we would have from my mothers loving hands.Our children had never known a day without their grandmothers jelly.It seemed like such a small thing,_7_ it was a great treasure.Holding the last pot in my hand,my _8_ traveled back to the old days.I saw her crying on my wedding (婚礼)I saw her _9_ and hugging our children.I put the jelly back on the shelf.No longer was it just a pot of jelly._10_ it was there,my mother would always live on.(C)1.A.angry Bdisappointed Cpleased Dsad(D)2.A sister Bfather Chusband Dmother(B)3.A.never Balways Chardly Dseldom(A)4.A.divide Bsell Cspare Dwaste(B)5.A.ran away Btook out Cthrew away Dput away(D)6.A.searched Bcreated Cdiscovered Drealized(C)7.A.or Band Cbut Dso(B)8.A.hair Bmemories Chands Dhead(C)9.A.beating Bpicking Ckissing Dspreading(A)10.A.As long as BAs far as CAs well as DAs soon as三、综合填空。Research shows that successful learners have some good habits in 1.common_Good learners often connect what they need to learn with something interesting.Studies show that if you are interested in something,your brain is more 2._active_(活跃的) and it is also easier for you to pay attention to it 3._for_ a long time.For example,if they need to learn English and they like music or sports,they can listen to English songs or watch sports programs in English.Good learners think about what they are good at and what they need to practice more.Even if you learn something well,you will forget it 4._unless_ you use it.“Practice makes perfect.”Good learners will keep practicing what they have learned,and they are not 5.afraid_ of making mistakes.Good learners usually choose the best way of the following 6._methods_(method) when they study.For example,they may take notes by writing down key words or by drawing mind maps.They also look for ways to 7._review_(复习) what they have learned.They may do this by explaining the information to 8._themselves_(them)Good learners often ask questions during or after class.They even ask each other and try to find out the answers.Knowledge 9._comes_(come) from questioning.Learning is a lifelong journey because every day brings something new.Everything that you learn becomes a part of you and changes you,so learn 10._wisely_(wise) and learn well.四、(2018黄石中考改编)完成句子。Tony never eats fish.This is not because he is allergic(过敏) to fish as food.He simply does not like the taste of it.You may not think this quite surprising,until I tell you that he has been a fisherman of one kind or another for most of his life.At first,fishing was just a hobby.(A)He_used_to_sit_on_the_river_bank_with_his_fishing_rod(鱼竿)_in_his_hand,waiting_to_feel_the_pull_on_the_line.It meant a fish was trying to get the food from the hook(鱼钩)He wound(收回) the line as soon as possible and took the hook from the fishs mouth,recorded its size in a notebook,then he threw it back into the water.(B)后来,他过去常常乘他朋友的渔船出海。Instead of throwing back the fish they caught,his friend took them home,where his wife cooked them or put them in the fridge for future meals.(C)a,fishing,large,boat,on,took,job,a,Tony,Finally.In their huge nets,they caught many fish at a time.(D)Every time Tony found some small fish in the nets,he would say to himself:“How_poor_you_are!”Again,Tony threw the small fish back into the sea.1英译汉。请将(A)句译成中文。_他过去常常手握鱼竿在河边钓鱼,等待鱼儿上钩。2汉译英。根据(B)处中文提示写出英语句子。(每空一词)Later,he _used_ _to_ go to sea on his friends fishing boat. 3连词成句。请将(C)处的单词连成意义完整的句子。_Finally,Tony_took_a_
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