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Lesson 45 Planet Danny,Have you ever seen or used a telescope?,Lead in:,What would you like to use a telescope for?,Bigger than your whole house!,What do you want to find using the telescope?,Can you find creatures in outer space?,New words: planet n. 行星 telescope n. 望远镜 solar adj. 太阳的;关于太阳的 system n. 系统 shine v. 发光;反射 astronomer n. 天文学者;天文学家 worth adj. 有价值的;值得(做某事) even if 即使;纵然 spaced-out adj. 昏昏沉沉的;不辨东南西北的,Presentation:,Listening Task: Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the correct words you hear: 1.On_ afternoon, Jenny and Brian visit Danny at his house. 2.Danny wants to discover a new _ .,Saturday,planet,Reading Task: Read the text and decide the following statements are true or false. 1. Danny uses a mirror to watch the sky. 2. Danny uses his fathers telescope in the day at first. 3. Danny finds a new planet.,T,F,F,1.What would you like to use a telescope for? 你想用望远镜干什么? (1)use “用,使用”,及物动词,后接名词。 What kind of tools do you use?你使用哪种工具? “用尽,耗费”,如: The refrigerator uses too much electricity.这冰箱太费电。 “利用,发挥”,如: He wouldnt use his brains. 他不愿动脑筋。,Language Points:,(2)useto do “用来做”,use后接动词时用带to的不定式。例如: He used the grass to make a basket. 他用草编了一个篮子。 拓展:use n.使用,运用。 在使用中: be in use 有用的:be of use 不再用,已废弃: be out of use 利用: make use of,2.I told my father that we were studying the solar system at school.我告诉我父亲我们正在学校研究太阳系。 本句中that we were studying the solar system at school是宾语从句。 词语辨析: 1)speak“说”“讲”“演讲”。作及物动词,宾语常是表示语言的词。例如: Do you speak Chinese?你说汉语吗?,2)talk“讲”“说话”“谈话”,与speak的意义相近。一般用作不及物动词,指一般的谈话或交谈,不如speak正式,其后要跟宾语时,与to, with, about等介词连用。例如: Jim is going to talk about English names tomorrow. 吉姆明天打算谈谈英文名字。 Look! Our teacher is talking to the parents. 看!我们的老师正在和家长们谈话。,3)say一般着重强调说的内容,指连贯性的说话,通常用作及物动词。例如: I dont know what he said.我不明白他所说的。 4)tell指把一件事传达给别人或讲述一件事、一个故事等。例如: When I was young , my mother often told me a story in the evening . 在我小时候,妈妈晚上常常给我讲故事。,3.Danny turns the telescope around.丹尼把望远镜转过来。 turn around 本身的意思表示“转身”,但是它有一个引申的意思,即“把不好的情况转变成好的情况”。 Danny turns around and finds his teacher is standing behind him. 丹尼转过身,发现他的老师正站在他身后。,Fill in the blanks: 1.我们认为值得为自由而战斗。 We believe our freedom _ _ _ for. 2.我看到她的头发像金子一样闪烁。 I saw her hair _ like gold. 3.植物在寒冷的天气里冻死了。 The plants _ _ to death on cold days.,Practice:,is worth fighting,shining,were frozen,Homework What do you think is the most popular job? What other jobs do students want? Why do they want these jobs?,Pride goes before, and shame comes after. 骄傲使人落后。,
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