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Unit 1 Will people have robots?,Section B1 1a-2c,Revision introduce yourself,I was a little boy / girl years ago. I am a middle-school student now. I will be a in years.,A: What do you think you will be in ten years? B: I will be an _. A: Where will you live? B: Ill live _.,astronaut,on a space station,Talk about your dream.,computer programmer apartment p:tmnt,a space station speis,an astronaut,strn:t,1a Write each word in the correct column below.,astronaut house apartment computer programmer train rocket rkt space station,宇航员,公寓,火箭,太空站,房子,电脑程序师,火车,astronaut,computer programmer,train,rocket,space station,house,apartment,Discussion,What will the transportation be like in the future?,What will the future house be like in the future?,1,2a,Listen and number the pictures.,2,3,2b,Listen again. Fill in the blanks with the correct verbs from the box.,ll live am ll fly took work ll be lived live,1. I _ in an apartment.,2. I _ near here.,3. I _ a computer programmer.,4. We _ in a house.,live,work,am,lived,5. I _ the train to school.,6. I _ an astronaut.,7. I _ rockets to the moon/mu:n/月亮.,8. I _ on a space station.,took,ll be,ll fly,ll live,ll live am ll fly took work ll be lived live,Pairwork,Talk about Joes life now, ten years ago, and ten years from now.,A: Where does Joe live now? B: He lives in an apartment. A: Where did he live ten years ago? B: He lived . A: Where will he live ten years from now? B: He .,Talk about your life now, ten years ago, and ten years from now.,A: Where do you live? B: I live in A: Where did you live? B: I A: Where will you live? B: I .,翻译短语 1.一名电脑程序员 2.住在一处公寓 3.搭火车去学校 4.乘火箭飞去月球 5.住在太空站 6.从现在开始,a computer programmer,live in an apartment,Exercises,take the train to school,fly rockets to the moon,live on a space station,from now (on),1. 去年我们住在一处小公寓里,明天将搬去一所新房子。 2. 我将乘火箭飞去月球,并住在空间站里。,We lived in a small apartment last year, and will move to a new house tomorrow. I will fly a rocket to the moon, and live on a space station.,翻译句子,3. 我们将会有更多的空闲时间。 Well have more free time. 4. 这个周末有足球赛吗? Will there be a soccer match this weekend? / Is there going to be a soccer match this weekend?,5. 我们今天下午要为英语考试做准备。 Well / Were going to study for the English test this afternoon. 6. 将来人们就不用钱了。 People wont use money in the future. 7. 明天你打算做什么? What are you going to do tomorrow?,Draw a picture about your work place in the future and describe it using your own words.,
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