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Simon Wakefields Yunnan Diary,Reading and vocabulary (1),Vocabulary,varied maze cobbled run inherit property custom apron hieroglyphic in use hatch,adj.各种各样的 n.迷宫,曲径 adj.铺鹅卵石的 v.控制,管理 v.继承 n.财产 n.风俗,习惯 n.围裙 adj.象形文字的 在使用 v.孵化,Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Paragraph 5 Paragraph 6,Pic. a,Pic. e,Pic. c,Pic. f,Pic. b,Pic. d,Read the passage. Match the photos with the paragraphs.,Yunnan Lijiang,Lijiang, the old town,Naxi ethnic group,Naxi language,Naxi culture-music,his feeling before leaving Lijiang,Fast Reading,2. Find words in the passage which mean:,hieroglyphics,hatch,unforgettable,maze,a,to be born from an egg,3.(something) you cant forget,many small streets that are easy to get lost in,Fast Reading,Find words in the passage which mean:,gentleman,varied,run,cobbled,a,6. including many different kinds of things,8. a road surface made from many small round stones,Careful Reading 3. Read the passage again and answer the questions.,In what way is the Yunnan landscape varied? 2. Why do tourists get lost in Lijiang? 3. In what way are Naxi women unusual?,The south is tropical and the north is mountainous.,Because it has a maze of small streets.,They are unusual because they run Naxi society. It is usually the men who run societies.,4. What is unusual about the Naxi language? 5. How do the Naxi believe their people started? 6. Why is Naxi music famous? 7. In what way does Simon say that people are all the same?,The language is the only language still used which is written in hieroglyphics.,They believe that they hatched from magic eggs helped by a creature called Tabu.,Because it had been passed on orally for eight centuries.,Because, regardless of ethnicity, we all need to laugh, cry, and love.,Lijiang,It is in north-west Yunnan, and is half old town and half new town. _ (travel) in the old town, you can see _(canal), little bridges, tiny _ (cobble) streets and the ancient wooden _stone houses, _ bring you back into the past.,canals,and,cobbled,Traveling,which,Culture of Naxi,It is _ (fascinate). For example, it is the women _ run Naxi society. Until recently, Naxi women _(inherit) all the property. They like to play _(card) and they wear blue blouses and trousers _ by a blue _ black apron.,fascinating,or,who/ that,cards,covered,Language of Naxi,It is the only hieroglyphic language still _ use, with _ history of over 1000 years.,in,a,4. Choose the best answers.,Post Reading,1. The old town Lijiang is_. a. on the side of Yulong Xueshan Mountain b. opposite Yulong Xueshan Mountain c. covered with snow 2. Naxi women_ a. used to inherit all property. b. inherit all property. c. have always inherited property.,Choose the best answers.,3. The old man who Simon met _. a. had made translations of Naxi poems b. read Naxi poems to Simon c. was very lively 4. The Naxi language_ a. is still spoken today. b. is not spoken any more. c. is almost 1,000 years old.,Choose the best answers.,5. The Naxi men who played in the orchestra _. a. were all very old. b. played instruments that sounded sad. c. played music that had not changed for centuries. 6. Simon now realises that_ a. people are equal. b. we are all very different. c. love and friendship are very important.,Retell the text and fill in the blanks: Im astonished by how_ the landscape is. Down in the south, its very _, but in the north, Lijiang, a half now and half old town is on the side of a mountain and opposite it is Yulong Xueshan Mountain, its peak _with snow. _from above , the old town is a maze that the tourist get _ in. This region is _the Naxi _ group live. Its the women _ run Naxi society. They inherited all _and have the _of playing cards n the middle of the street. The Naxi language is the only _ language still _. Naxi culture is particularly famous for its music. _from father to son, the music hasnt changed for centuries. At last I know _different we may appear to be first, we are all the same, all equal.,varied,tropical,covered,Seen,lost,where,ethnic,who,property,custom,hieroglyphic,in use,Passed,however,Lets focus on some difficult sentences: 1.Which sentence in the text can be replaced by the following one ? It was held in an old hall which was wooden and was played by Naxi man .Some of them looked very old.,It took place in an old wooden hall, and was played by Naxi man, some of whom looked as if they were well over 100 years old.,2.Put the following sentences into Chinese. 1) For example, its the women who run Naxi society, and until recently, Naxi woman inherited all property. 2) However different we may appear to be at first, we are all same, all equal.,例如,管理纳西族社会的是妇女,而且直至 不久之前,还是由纳西族的妇女来继承全部的遗产。,无论起初我们看上去是多么不同,但是我们 本质上是一样的,我们都是平等的。,3) Everyone listened as if someone had put a spell on them.,一
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