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第三课时 (Grammar Focus3c),how引导的特殊疑问句 本单元主要学习how引导的特殊疑问句对交通方式进行提问这一用法。其答语有三种: 主语take(s) a/the交通工具(单数)to地点 主语谓语to地点by交通工具(单数) 主语谓语to地点on/in限定词交通工具 how far用来提问距离,意为“多远”,其答语有两种: 用长度单位表示 eg:How far is it from your home to school?从你家到学校有多远? Its 5 kilometers.五千米远。,用时间表示 eg:Its ten minutes walk./Its ten minutes to walk./Its ten minutes on foot.10分钟的步行路程。 how long用来提问时间,意为“多久”。 eg:How long does it take you to finish your homework?完成家庭作业花费你多长时间? It takes me an hour to finish my homework.完成家庭作业花费我一个小时的时间。,介词表达法 交通工具名词前有限定词,常用on和in。 eg:on the train;on the bus;in a car 【注意】in多用在car(小汽车)前;on多用于bike/bus/train等交通工具前。 【拓展】on foot步行 交通工具名词用单数,前面无限定词,常用by。 eg:by subway;by bus;by bike 动词表达法 takea/the交通工具单数名词 eg:You can take the train to Sanya.你可以乘火车去三亚。 walk/ride/drive/fly to地点名词 步行/骑车/开车/乘飞机去某地 eg:I usually walk to school.我通常步行去学校。,一、根据句意,选择方框中的单词或词组填空。 1 do you get to the radio station? On foot. 2 is your brother? He is 13. 3 do you play basketball after school? For half an hour. 4 is it from the store to the TV station? One kilometer. 5 are those black trousers? Theyre nine dollars.,How,How old,How long,How far,How much,二、按要求完成下列句子。 6The school is about_two_kilometers from my home.(对画线部分提问) is the school from your home? 7It usually takes about_ten_minutes(对画线部分提问) does it usually take? 8My mother usually walks to work.(改为同义句) My mother usually goes to work 9I take the bus to school.(改为同义句) I to school bus. 10Maria takes the train to Kunming.(改为同义句) Maria to Kunming train. 11The school is about ten minutes walk from the store.(改为同义句) It about ten minutes to the school from the store. 12They often spend half an hour getting to school.(改为同义句) half an hour to school.,How,far,How,long,on,foot,go,by,goes,by,takes,to,walk,It,takes,them,to,get,
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