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Unit 2 Its a long story.,Module 1,Travel,Words review,take care sir officer stupid take off jacket,(告别用语)多保重 n. 先生;长官 n. 军官;官员;警 察 adj. 笨的;糊涂的 脱去 n. 短上衣;夹克,Do you like travelling? How do you travel? Which way do you like best?,Discussion,Have you watched Dad, where are we going? They used many transportations, lets figure out them.,ride a bike,ride a motorbike,take a boat,take a plane,take a car,ride on a camel (骆驼),1. To understand the story happened during a trip 2. To learn some key words and useful expressions 3. To write something about a trip you have made, including the information about when, where, who, how and what happened,Words: stupid jacket sir officer,Phrases: take care take off go past people make yourself comfortable,Patterns: Li Lin and Li Wei are on the station platform, saying goodbye to each other. Im afraid youre sitting in my seat. Oh, how stupid of me!,Focus on,Look at the expressions below. What do you think the play will be about?,1,P4,1. gets up and starts to 2. looks for his ticket 3. goes past people 4. gets on the train,on the bus/ train/ plane/ coach,it might be a place full of people,On the street? In the park? At a market? On the train/ bus?,Work in groups. Try to make a paragraph according to your guessing.,Competition:,Who can make the most wonderful story?,Car XX,座位号: Seat 18,aisle,Train K192,上铺:upper berth 中铺:middle berth 下铺:lower berth,Seat 73K,Gate 21,Flight CZ6000,Listen to the play and number the expressions in Activity 1 in the order they appear.,2,P4,Task 1,1. gets up and starts to 2. looks for his ticket 3. goes past people 4. gets on the train,1,4,2,3,Look through the play and choose the correct answer.,3,P5,Task 2,1. Where are Li Lin and Li Wei? a) They are at home. b) They are at the railway station. c) They are on the train. d) They are in a car. 2. Who is Li Wei? a) She is Li Lins sister. b) She is Li Lins friend. c) He is Li Lins father. d) He is Li Lins classmate.,Task 3,1. Li Lin will not come back until the Spring Festival. 2. The elderly man hears Li Lins words clearly at the beginning. 3. The ticket officer checks the elderly mans ticket and finds him taken a wrong seat. 4. Li Lin is a stupid boy. 5. Wen Peng is not surprised to see Li Lin on the train.,doesnt hear,good,/,Li Lin says goodbye to his sister Li Wei. Li Lin says that he will (1) _ his family, and Li Wei tells him to (2) _. When Li Lin gets on the train, he sees an elderly man sitting in his seat. He politely calls the elderly man (3) _ and says he is (4) _ the elderly man is sitting in his seat. The ticket (5) _ arrives and explains the mistake. Li Lin kindly offers to change seats with the elderly man, and goes to Car 9. There he sees his friend Wen Peng, who is happy to see him and tells him to (6) _ his jacket, sit down and make himself comfortable.,afraid miss officer sir take care take off,miss,take care,sir,afraid,officer,take off,P5,Task 4,Complete the passage with the words and expressions in the box.,4,Task 5,Work in groups. Choose one plot and act it out to see which group does the best.,Role-play,Language points,1. The elderly man looks for his ticket in his pocket, his bag and finally in his wallet. 那位老人在口袋里、包里、钱包里找他的车票。,elderly, 形容词,是委婉用语,意为“上了年纪的”,外国人一般不说old man而用elderly man代替,the elderly泛指老人。,elder指“年长的(尤指家庭成员之间)”,只能修饰人;在句中作定语,不能作表语;elder不能和than连用。 older既可修饰人,也可修饰物;在句中既可作定语,也可作表语;older可以和than连用。,根据句意,用older或elder填空: Lucys brother is two years than her.,elder,older,2. Please have your tickets ready. 请大家准备好车票。,have sth. ready 表示“把某物准备好”。,We had a room ready for you. 我们给您准备了一个房间。 Ill have some breakfast ready in a few minutes. 几分钟后我就能做好早饭。,3. Now take off your jacket. 现在,脱了夹克。,take off表示“脱下”,其反义短语是put on穿上。如:,Please take off your shoes before going into the house. 请你在进家之前脱掉你的鞋。 Its warm here. You may take off your coat. 这里很暖和,你可以把外衣脱下来。,take off还可以表示“起飞”,其反义词是land降落。如:,The plane took off half an hour ago. 飞机在半小时前起飞了。,用合适的词/短语填空: The plane will _ from Beijing Capital Airport and land in London.,take off,Writing, when and where you went Last summer I went to Hong Kong for a holiday. how you travelled,Write a short play about a trip you have made. Think about:,5,P5,I travelled by train/ plane.,possible answers:, who travelled with you I travelled with my parents. what happened during the trip I lost my ticket. The ticket officer didnt allow me to get on the train. how the story ended A good-hearted person saw my ticket on the floor. Then he picked it up and gave it to an officer. We were called to take my ticket back.,Now write the play.,1. Take care! 2. go past people 3. take off 4. make yourself comfortable 5. Li Lin and Li Wei are on the station platform, saying goodbye to each other. 6. Im afraid youre sitting in my seat. 7. Oh, how stupid of me!,本课时主要短语和句型,总结回顾,Now 2 mins to test your spelling.,Spelling Bee,1. English-Chinese offic
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