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,.高频课标词汇微情景集中串记 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式,然后背诵微情景,熟记以j、k & l开头的课标词汇,并联想其用法。 【初级词汇情景】 Its not just a joke,said a judge.A junior terrorist dressed in a jacket and blue jeans with lots of jewelry was leaving _1_ a jet plane.No matter how long the journey is,the police,with a chief justice and some _2_(journal) joining in the job,are determined to arrest him.,天天循环背 18 首字母J、K&L话题工作与职业,一位法官说,这不仅仅是笑话。一个穿着夹克、蓝牛仔裤的低级恐怖分子带着许多珠宝,正要乘喷气式飞机逃跑。不管行程多远,警察决心逮捕他,其中,一位首席法官,还有一些记者也加入到这个工作中。 答案 1.on 2.journalists,【高级词汇情景】 As a local _1_(lead) lawyer,Peter is always in library and _2_(lose) in literature.Never does he tell lies,speak loudly and play jokes on others,he lives an unlimited life.Though _3_(lack) the knowledge of kindergarten,he is kind-hearted to lonely children and often gives them the latest lectures on loving labour,not throwing litter,laying their lives for liberty,learning law language and so on.To his _4_(joyful),the lovely kids like to take his lessons very much._5_(Luck),some young men dont kill time,and begin to link themselves to Peter.,作为一名当地的一流律师,Peter却总是在图书馆里专注于文学。他从不说谎,从不大声说话,也不跟人开玩笑,他过着无拘无束的生活。尽管他缺乏幼儿园知识,但他对孤独的儿童很慈善,并且常给他们做关于爱劳动、不乱扔垃圾,为自由而献身、学习法律语言等等的最新讲座。令他高兴的是,这些可爱的孩子们非常喜欢听他的课。幸运的是,一些青年人不再消磨时间,开始把他们与Peter联系起来。 答案 1.leading 2.lost 3.lacking 4.joy 5.Luckily,.话题背诵:工作与职业 (2016东北三校一模)假如你是李华,是一名马上就要毕业的高三学生,打算在高考后利用暑假时间去做自愿者,做些有意义的事。请根据以下要点用英语写一封100词左右的申请信介绍自己,以便向相关部门申请自愿者工作。 内容提要: 1.自己的情况简介; 2.自己的能力;,3.愿意承担的工作; 4.对自愿者工作的认识及愿望。 _ _ _ _ _,【佳作赏诵】 Dear Sir, I,a senior 3 student,will graduate from high school soon.After the College Entrance Examination,I intend to work as a volunteer during the summer vacation,and do some meaningful work.Im good at speaking English,so I can teach others to study English or help people communicate with foreigners in English.Whats more,because I can play basketball and football well,Im ready to help others with the sports.,I love volunteer work because I always think working as a volunteer is meaningful,necessary and important to make our world a better place to live in.Besides,I can gain much social experience from it,which is very useful for my future life. Im looking forward to working as a volunteer.I do hope the chance is coming quite soon. Yours truly, Li Hua,.疯狂背诵法 1.明确话题,联想运用;确定体裁,模板提升。 2.核心词汇定位背诵法 第一步:记录核心词汇。 graduateintend to workam good atteachhelpbe ready tolove volunteerBesidesgain experiencehope 第二步:在大脑中定位核心词汇的位置。 第三步:朗读核心词汇,尝试运用,联系上下文,复述表达要点。 第四步:尝试背诵,脱口而出。,3.词汇与句式积累厚积薄发 intend to do打算做 be ready to do乐于去做/准备去做,
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