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Period Four Grammar & Writing,.观察感悟 1.Where are we going? (go常用于进行时表示将来) 2.Now she is planning our schedule for the trip.(表示正在进行的动作) 3.When are we leaving and when are we coming back?(位置移动的动词用进行时表示将来),知 识 梳 理,.翻译下面的句子,并分析句子结构和形式 1.Im taking an exam in the classroom now. _ 2.Listen! Hes singing an English song over there. _ 答案 1.我现在正在教室里考试。 2.听!他正在那里唱一首英语歌。,归纳:现在进行时通常表示现在_的动作,现在进行时常与时间状语now,at present,at the moment等连用,或有look,listen等词语的暗示。其结构为:_。 正在进行;主语is/am/are现在分词其他,.翻译下面的句子,体会现在进行时表示的意义 1.Theyre flying to Shanghai tomorrow. _ 2.When is Helen coming home? _ 3.Im not going out tonight.Im staying at home. _,答案 1.他们明天将飞往上海。 2. 海伦什么时候回家? 3.今晚我出门,我要待在家里。,归纳:现在进行时可以表示_ ,通常与动词_,_,_,_,leave,arrive,return,travel,remain等连用。这时句中常有表示将来的时间状语,如tonight,tomorrow,in two years,next week等。 将来意义;come;fly;go;stay 注意:现在进行时表示将来意义也可用于某些非转移动词,如buy,meet,do,work等。如:What are you doing next Sunday?下星期天你打算干什么?,.单句语法填空 1.Tom _ (come) here next week. 2.The train _ (arrive) in three hours. 3.The telephone _ (ring).Would you answer it? 4.Shut up!You _ always _(speak) when our teacher is giving a class. 5.I feel so sick now that I _ (see) a doctor this afternoon.,6.Mary _ (leave) for Guangzhou by plane at 3 this afternoon.Her brother Bob _ (see) her off.Its half past one now.They _(wait) for a taxi outside the school gate. 7.The Browns _ (go) to North China by train next week.They _ (stay) in Beijing for a week.Then they _ (go) to Xian. 8.Some friends _ (come) to Annes birthday party this evening.Annes mother is busy _(get) ready for the birthday dinner.Anne _ (help) her mother now.,答案 1.is coming 2.is arriving 3.is ringing 4.are;speaking 5.am seeing 6.is leaving;is seeing;are waiting 7.are going;are staying;are going 8.are coming;getting;is helping,.完成句子 1.When _ ?(arrive) 演讲者何时到? 2.We _ now.(play) 我们正在打篮球。 3.They _ in Guilin.(spend) 下个暑假他们要在桂林度过。 4.They _ to discuss how to make the city a most livable city tomorrow.(leave) 明天他们将动身出席一个会议,来讨论如何使这座城市成为一座宜居城市。,5.They _ which leaves at 9:00 p.m.this evening.(take) 他们将乘坐今天晚上9点的火车。 6.Where _ this weekend?(go) 这个周末他们要去哪里? 7.They _ to put their gold in it.(dig) 他们在挖洞放金子。 8.We _ when we are asked to practice singing.(about) 我们正要动身回家,就在这时被叫去练歌。 9.The Queen _ next month.(visit) 下个月,女王将访问非洲。,10.I _ after school.(play) 放学后我打算去弹钢琴。 11.My mother _ from the United States this weekend. 我妈妈本周末要从美国回来。 12.What time _ they _ there? 他们要几点钟到那儿?,答案 1.is the speaker arriving 2.are playing basketball 3.are spending their next summer holiday 4.are leaving for a meeting 5.will take the train 6.are they going 7.are digging a hole 8.are about to leave for home 9.is to visit Africa 10.am going to play the piano 11.is returning 12.are;arriving,【知识链接】 将来动作的表达法 1.现在进行时通常用于表示某动作在说话时正在进行,但有时也可以表示将来的意义。现在进行时表将来的情况有: (1)表示位置转移的动词,如arrive,come,get(to),leave,return,start,travel,take off,fly,see off等。 When is the speaker arriving?演讲者何时到来?(进行时表示将来) (2)表示趋向性的动词,如do,buy,meet,have,play,spend等,此时句中一般要有表示将来的时间状语。 We are playing basketball after class.下课后我们要打篮球。(计划将要发生) They are spending their next summer holiday in Guilin.下个暑假他们要在桂林度过。(计划将要发生),注意:现在进行时除了表示正在进行的动作或表将来的意义用法之外,还常和一些副词(如always,constantly)连用,表示反复出现的习惯性动作,并常含有说话人赞扬、抱怨、惊讶、厌烦等感情。 You are always thinking of others.你总是想着别人。,2.表示将来意义的其他方式 (1)will/shall do表达单纯将来,是对未来事情发生的“预见性”。可用于说话时才想到或决定的事。 Where is the telephone book? 电话号码簿在哪里? Ill go and get it for you. 我去给你拿。 (2)be going to do表示打算、计划、安排或已经决定要做某事;还可表示根据某种迹象表明将要发生的事。 Are you going to watch the football game this afternoon?你打算今天下午看足球赛吗? 注意:be going to 不与come或go连用,而用be coming 或be going。,(3)be to do表示预定、按计划或安排将要发生的动作。 If you are to succeed,you must work hard. 如果你想成功,你就必须努力。 (4)be about to do意为“刚要,正要”,表示非常近的将来。 be about to do不能和表示将来时间的副词连用。 He is about to leave for Beijing.他很快要去北京。 注意:be about to do常与并列连词when引导的句子连用,意为“正要这时”。,3.一般现在时也可以表示将来。 按规定(时刻表、计划表、日程表等)将要发生的动作。 Ill write to you as soon as I arrive there. 我一到那儿就给你写信。 “The比较级,the比较级”句型中,前一分句常用一般现在时,后一分句用一般将来时。 The more we get together,the happier we will be. 我们聚会越多越高兴。,目前,越来越多的学生带手机上学。请你根据以下信息写一篇短文,反映这一现象并发表自己的看法。 好处:1.便于和父母朋友联系。 2.增加乐趣,丰富学习生活。 害处:1.分散注意力,不能集中精力学习。 2.花费高。 注意:1.词数80左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.文章的开头已给出,但不计入总词数。,写 作 点 拨,.满分作文赏析,Today,more and more students go to school with mobile phones.,Today,more and more students go to school with mobile phones.Many people think it helpful.Firstly,it is easier for students to keep in touch with their pare
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