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.单词识记 1_na very bright,unpleasant light 2_adj.suffering from sunburn 3_adj.that is easy to carry or to move 4_adj.different from what is usual or expected, especially in a way that is worrying,harmful or not wanted,Period Three Cultural Corner,5_na lack of something 6_nthe raised flat area beside the track at a train station where you get on or off the train 7_adj.not very large,expensive,important, etc 8_vto try to prevent something or to prevent somebody from doing something 9_adj. making you feel annoyed 10_adj.making you feel very sad and without enthusiasm,答案 1.glare 2.sunburnt 3.portable 4.abnormal 5absence 6.platform 7.modest 8.discourage 9tiresome 10.depressing,.短语天地 1._严重晒伤 2_完全隔绝 3_戴上墨镜 4_坐落在 5_在紧急情况下 6in great detail_ 7set off_ 8a unique insight_ 答案 1.get badly sunburnt 2.totally isolated 3.wear sunglasses 4.be situated on 5.in case of an emergency 6.详尽地 7.动身,出发 8.独特的洞察力,Theres a severe risk that you will damage your eyesight or get badly sunburnt. 信息提取 get done结构,强调动作的发生或状态的变化。 例句仿写 我们的车大约每两个月清洗一次。 Our car_about once every two months.,1,.句型搜索,Medical assistance is available in case of an emergency. 信息提取 in case of 以防万一后接名词或代词。 例句仿写 遇到紧急情况时,击碎玻璃罩并摁下按钮。 _emergency,break the glass and press the button.,2,It is not surprising that people in a rich powerful place like Venice could not believe his stories,. 信息提取 It is not surprising that是it作形式主语,that从句做真正的主语。 例句仿写 因为他擅长英语,因此他获得一等奖毫不为奇。 Since he is good at English,_that he got the first prize.,3,A general myth has grown up around Marco Polo that he introduced such things as spaghetti and ice cream from China to the west. 信息提取 such.as. 例句仿写 这位老师给我们讲了诸如语法之类的东西。 This teacher explained_things_grammar to us. 答案 1.gets cleaned 2.In case of 3.its not surprising 4.such;as,4,(1)n. 耀眼的光 The sunglasses are designed to reduce glare. 这些太阳镜是为了减少刺眼的光而设计的。 The rabbit was caught in the glare of the cars headlights. 兔子在耀眼的汽车灯照射下动弹不得。 怒视/凝视/恶狠狠地注视 He gave his boss a hostile glare.他含有敌意地注视着老板。,1.glare,(2)v. 发出炫目而令人不快的强光 The searchlight glared,lighting up the prison yard. 探照灯发出强光,照亮监狱场地。 The sun glared down on us on the beach. 太阳照耀着沙滩上的我们。 怒目而视,恶狠狠地盯视 He didnt shout;he just glared at me silently. 他没有喊叫,只是默默地怒视着我。 I looked at her and she glared furiously back. 我看了她一眼,她便怒不可遏地回瞪我。,【辨析】 gaze at/glare at/glance at/stare at,【单项填空】 He_at me,full of anger. Aglanced Bgazed Cstared Dglared My father has a habit of_at papers at noon. Aglancing Bgazing Cstaring Dglaring 答案 D A,(1)反映,映出(影像) His face was reflected in the mirror. 他的脸映照在镜子里。 (2)反射(声、光、热等) When the suns rays hit the earth,a lot of the heat is reflected back into space. 太阳光线照射到地球时,大量的热被反射回太空。 (3)表达,显示,表明(事物的自然属性或人的态度、情感等) Our newspaper aims to reflect the views of the local community.我们的报纸旨在表达当地人民的心声。,2reflect v.,reflector n反光面 reflection n映像,反映,反射;沉思 reflective adj.沉思的,反光的,反射热的 reflectively adv.经过反思地,【完成句子】 人们夏天穿白色衬衫是因为它们能反光。 People wear white shirts in summer because they can_ 他老是欣赏镜子中的自己。 He is always appreciating his_ 答案 reflect strong sunlight reflection in the mirror,(1)(人/纪律)严格的,严厉的,严密的 Tom was a severe judge.汤姆是位严厉的法官。 Our school has severe rules.我们学校校规严格。 My father is very severe with/on me. 父亲对我非常地严格。 (2)(气候等)酷热的,严酷的,(痛苦)剧烈的 A severe cold filled the winter of 2010. 2010年冬天严寒笼罩。 I felt a severe pain in my stomach. 我感到胃部一阵剧痛。,3severe adj.,(3)状况困难的,严重的,艰难的 They are suffering from a severe shortage of water. 他们苦于严重缺水。 【翻译句子】 He found himself in a severe situation financially. _ We are suffering from a severe shortage of fuel. _ 答案 他陷入严重的经济困难。 我们深受严重缺乏燃料之苦。,dress v穿上衣服,给穿上衣服 They all dressed up as PLA men. 他们都打扮成解放军模样。 He left very early and had to dress in the dark. 因为走得很早他只好摸黑穿衣服。,4,(1)dress vt.&vi.(给)穿衣,打扮 dresssb/oneself be/get dressed in衣服或表颜色的词 (2)dress n服装,衣服;连衣裙 evening dress晚礼服 (3)dress up盛装,打扮;装饰 (4)dress作“打扮自己或打扮某人”讲时,与介词as或like连用,或用dress up as sb或dress up for sth。 (5)undress vt.&vi.(给)脱衣 undresssb/oneself,【辨析】 wear/put on/have on/dress/be in,用wear,put on,dress,have on,be in的适当形式填空 Then he_his coat and hat and went to a chemists shop. The girl always_a happy smile. Get up and_quickly. He is_a black nylon jacket today. If youre wearing black pants you should_black shoes and a black belt. 答案 put on wears dress in have on,discourage v阻止,制止;使泄气,使灰心 We hope the bad weather wont discourage people from coming along. 我们希望坏天气不会阻止人们前来。 The thought of how much work she had to do discouraged her. 一想到还有那么多活儿得做她就泄了气。 Dont let one failure discourage you,try again. 不要因为一次失败就气馁,再试试看。,5,(1)discourage sb from doing sth阻止某人干某事,劝阻某人不干 discouraged adj.沮丧的,灰心
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