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专题二 完形填空 第1课时 记叙文类完形填空,怎么考 1.记叙文类完形填空可分为记事和记人两种形式,记叙时间、地点、人物和事件等。 2.文章首句一般不设空,以情景意义考查为主,淡化对语法的考查,4个选项词类相同,设空以实词为主,即动词、名词、形容词、副词为主,虚词为辅,即介词、连词、代词等,几乎不涉及情态动词与冠词。,怎么学 在平时的阅读训练中,注意掌握高频词汇的用法、习惯搭配、长难句的理解能力,抓关键词的能力等,更要学会积累一些文化常识、历史背景知识等。 怎么解 重视首尾句,把握开篇,速读全文,掌握大意;理清人物事件,把握作者态度;理顺事件的发生、发展和结局。,策略一 破解完形填空三原则 一、上览下索细寻信息 完形填空的设题特点就是在对上下语境的理解基础上设题考查学生的语言运用能力,因此答案信息点有的在设空前,有的在设空后,有的在前文,有的在后文,甚至前后都出现,故需综合地上览下索来印证信息点,有时,甚至要根据上下文提供的信息,结合常识,进行适当的逻辑推理,才可以得出正确答案。,【典例剖析】 1.(2016全国卷)One more look and he noticed_45_shooting out from under the 46(disabled) vehicle.Larry pulled over,set the brake and 47(got hold of) the fire extinguisher (灭火器).Two good bursts from the extinguisher and the fire was put out. 45.A.flames B.smoke C.water D.steam 答案 A 根据下文中的“the fire extinguisher(灭火器)”和本段最后一句中的“the fire was put out”可以推断有火焰(flames)从车里冒出来。,2.(2015全国卷)This led to some_26_ experiences on Saturday as they played against teams 27(better) trained.Through the first two games,her 28(team) did not get one serious shot on goal. 26.A.painful B.strange C.common D.practical 答案 A 结合上下文可知,她们周末对抗的球队是一些受过更好训练的强队,因此这给她们带来的肯定是一些痛苦的(painful)经历。strange奇怪的;common普通的;practical实际的。,3.(2015江苏卷)Im an ambitious _40_,and when I started going through chemo (化疗),even though Im a very 41(positive) person,I lost my drive to write. 40.A.reader B.writer C.editor D.doctor 答案 B 联系后文中的“I lost my drive to write(我失去了写作的动力)”可知,作者是一名作家。,4.(2014辽宁卷)It was already half past seven and I was running late again for the dinner appointment with my wife,Eleanor.We had _1_ to meet at the restaurant at seven oclock.I felt a little uneasy,but to my _2_,I had a good excuse:A business meeting had _3_ and Id wasted no time getting to the dinner.,When I arrived at the _4_,I apologized and told Eleanor I didnt mean to be late.She screamed,“You never mean to.”Well,I _5_ tell she was angry.“Im sorry but it was not _6_,”I said.Then I told her about the business meeting._7_,my explanation seemed to make things worse,which started to drive _8_ mad as well. . 【语篇解读】 本文论述了作者自己迟到引起妻子的不满与误解,后来接受朋友的建议,确实改善了两人的关系。,1.A.started B.agreed C.Continued D.managed 答案 B 前文讲与妻子约好吃饭,所以同意在餐馆见面,故选B项,为上下文推断的直接信息。 2.A.relief B.surprise C.regret D.sorrow 答案 A 下文后一句“I had a good excuse”可以推断出作者找到理由,故才“放松、安慰”,为间接信息,故选A项。,3.A.broken out B.closed down C.faded away D.run over 答案 D 既然作者迟到,找的理由应是会议“超时”,故选D项,为间接推断出的信息。 4.A.house B.room C.restaurant D.supermarket 答案 C 根据上文直接信息“.to meet at the restaurant”可推断第4题间接信息“饭店”,故选C项。,5.A.could B.must C.will D.might 答案 A 根据上文“She screamed,.”,下文“Im sorry.”下文“my explanation seemed to make things worse,.”可以推断出间接信息,“我”能看出她生气了。故选A项。 6.A.movable B.comfortable C.acceptable D.avoidable 答案 D “很抱歉,但这无法避免。”根据下文信息“更糟糕”,推断而来,故选D项。,7.A.However B.Therefore C.Moreover D.Otherwise 答案 A 句子前后为转折关系,故选A项。 8.A.her B.him C.me D.them 答案 C 由下文as well可知“我也生气了”,可推出间接信息。故选C项。,点拨 首句或首段往往内含许多信息,像主题句、文章主旨、文章的体裁类型等,因此,做题时考生应该把首句作为突破口,推测作者的意向,判断整篇文章的写作思想、内容、线索等,在掌握语篇大意的基础上对每一处细节设空进行合乎逻辑的推理判断。,二、左顾右盼找寻搭配 做题时,不能仅盯住空格或空格所在的一个句子上,一定要左顾右盼,弄清前后的习惯搭配或句式结构。 【典例剖析】 1.(2015陕西卷)I would excitedly turn the tap_29_and brush the comb carefully. 29.A.out B.over C.in D.on 答案 D 清洗梳子当然要打开水龙头。turn on打开,符合语境。,2.(2015江苏卷)The stories of his unconventional 36(ideas) and the exceptional patients he wrote about were so 37(amazing) to me and had such a big _38_ on how I saw life from then on. 38.A.strike B.push C.challenge D.impact 答案 D 由并列连词and可知空格处所在部分应该和“令人惊叹”意义一致,即“对我如何看待人生产生了很大的影响”。have an impact on对有影响,是固定短语。,3.(2014辽宁卷).Several weeks later,when I _9_ the situation to my friend Ken Hardy,he smiled,“You _10_ a classic mistake.Youre stuck _11_ your own way of thinking.You didnt _12_ to be late.But thats not the point.What is _13_ in your communication is how your lateness affected Eleanor.” He pointed out that I focused on the intention _14_ Eleanor focused on the result.Thus,_15_ of us felt misunderstood and crazy.,9.A.spread B.wrote C.translated D.described 答案 D 据上下文信息“我向我的朋友描述这种情形时”,选D项。 10.A.knew B.made C.found D.took 答案 B “make a mistake”,“犯错”为常用的习惯搭配,是固定短语,故选B项。 11.A.in B.beyond C.for D.against 答案 A “你陷入了你自己的思维圈子。”be stuck in“被困住”,是常用的习惯搭配,故选A项。,12.A.need B.prove C.pretend D.intend 答案 D intend to do“打算做某事”为常用的句式搭配,故选D项。 13.A.funny B.important C.possible D.simple 答案 B 14.A.while B.after C.until D.unless 答案 A 根据上下文逻辑关系,前后形成对比,故用while“而”,也是句式的搭配关系,故选A项。 15.A.all B.none C.both D.neither 答案 C 我们两人都(both)感到被误解了并很生气。故选C项。,点拨 固定搭配题是完形填空中难度稍低的一类题,考生在做这类题时,如果遇到自己熟知的或已掌握的固定搭配应快速得出答案,从而为其他类题型,如辨析型、推理型等留出更为充裕的思考时间,从而提高完形填空的做题效率。 一些考生都很熟悉的固定搭配,高考在设题时为了提高难度,常常把这些固定搭配变为被动形式或者拆开进行考查。做此类题目时,关键就是将固定搭配还原。牢记常见的固定搭配,尤其是其中心词,只要在文中出现中心词就先联想其所对应的常见搭配,可以很快得出答案。,(1)当选项中的词表示相近的含义时,就要考虑从搭配的角度解题。要特别注意空格所在句子的主语,空格前后出现的名词、介词、形容词、副词、不定式、双宾语等,快速排除不能搭配的选项。 (2)有些固定搭配的构成形式相近,但含义不同,为了强化记忆,可以以名词、动词或介词等为中心词进行比较。如将结构相似的短语联系起来记忆,in
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