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Unit 10 Is there a post office near here? Section A 2a-4,on the box,under the box,in the box,-Where is the soccer ball?,-Its the box.,-Where is the soccer ball?,-Its _ the box.,in front of,-Where is the soccer ball?,-Its _ the box.,behind,-Where is the soccer ball?,-Its _ the box.,near,-Where is the soccer ball?,-Its _ the box.,next to,big,small,-Where is the soccer ball?,-Its _,between the big box and the small box.,go through the forest/park,through,Center Street,across,go across the street,across: 表示从一定范围的一边到另一边, 动作在物体 表面进行。 through: 从中间穿过, 动作在内部进行。,near,across from,next to,betweenand,in front of,behind,在附近,在对面,贴近,紧挨着,在和之间,在前面,在之后,behind,in,in front of,on,next to,across from,between,Where is the snail?,under,A,B,near,4,6,2,3,5,2a. Match the sentences with the pictures.,1,across from,on,in front of,next to,behind,-Its next to the police station.,-Where is the hospital?,2c. Pairwork,next to 接近, 邻近(近义词near) next to 的同义词是beside/by, 意为“在(某人 或某物)旁边”。例如: She sits beside me. = She sits next to me。 It is next to/near the hotel. 。 He is standing near/next to his father.,Language points,2. in front of 在的前面,反义词,behind,邮局前/后,超市前/后,图书馆前/后,in front of the post office behind the post office in front of the supermarket behind the supermarket in front of the library behind the library,区别in front of 和 in the front of,B,A,A is in front of B.,B,A,A is in the front of B.,in front of 指位于某一外部的前面。,in the front of 指位于某一物体内部的前面。,3. across from 介词词组, 意为“在的对面”。 如:We live across from the street. 在英语中, “在的对面”还可以用其他的短语 表示, 例如: 1) The bus stop is on the other side of the river. 2) The fruit shop is opposite the post office.,4. between 介词, 表示“在中间”, 常与and 构成短语:betweenand 例如:I sit between Lucy and Lily. between 是指在两者之间,或多者之中两两之间。 among 是指在三者或三者以上的中间。 例如:There ia a break between two classes. My brother is among those boys. 5. pay 动词,表示“付款,支付” 常与for构成短语:pay for sth. 意为“支付某物,购买某物” 例如:You can pay 10 yuan for the bag.,They walk _ the bridge. 他们步行走过了这座桥。 He walks _ the park. 他步行穿过公园。 The birds fly _the city.鸟儿从城市上空飞过。,解析: “穿过桥”是从桥的表面横跨; “光线透过窗户照进来”强调光从窗户中通过,小试身手,across,through,over,go straight go / walk along,Turn left,Turn right,go up ,go down ,交通标志知多少?,turn left,turn right,go along,Homework:,1.抄单词. 2.背 Grammar focus句型. 3.课后练习册,Thank you ,Goodbye!,
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