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Module 6 Look after yourself! Unit 1 He has had an accident.,1. fever:发烧 have/get a fever:发烧 I feel very cold. I think I have got a fever. 2. flu:流行性感冒 When I get flu, I only get a fever. 3. knee:膝盖 I fell off the bike and I hurt my knee yesterday. 4.wound:n 伤,伤口 He got a wound in his leg. 5. miss:不在;想念 Who is missing? 6. trip:绊倒;旅行 He tripped over the root of a tree.,Lead in,Say something about the pictures.,Look at the picture and answer the questions.,1. Whats happened?,2. Do you think the person is hurt?,3. What do you think she has done to herself?,Presentation,Has Tonys dad ever had serious accidents? 2. What parts of his body did he hurt? 3. How long did it take him to get better?,No, he hasnt.,His finger, his shoulder and his knee.,Answer the questions.,One month for the finger; a long time for the knee and shoulder.,Listening,4. What illness does he sometimes get? 5. What does he get with this illness? 6. What does he think Tony will get, and why?,He gets flu.,Fever.,A stomachache from eating too much.,About 10 kilometres.,Tony and Daming.,Read the dialogue and answer the questions. 1. How far have they walked? 2. Whos missing? 3. Whats happened to Daming? 4. Is Daming serious?,He has had an accident.,No, its nothing serious.,Reading,Complete the accident report.,Accident report,Where,Who,What happened,How is the person hurt,On the Great Wall,Daming,He tripped and fell over the edge.,Hes cut his head and his knee, and his leg hurts and he feels cold.,Whos missing? 谁掉队了? Help! 救命! How do you feel? 你感觉怎样? Its nothing serious. 没什么严重的。,Everyday English,Lets practice.,看图讲故事,fall off,1,fall off,1,come round,2,A bag of rice fell off the truck.,A motorbike came round the corner. The man on it drove too fast.,suddenly adv. 突然地,hit the bag,3,lie on the road,4,The motorbike hit the bag of rice. The man fell off his motorbike.,The man lay on the road.,He did not see the bag until it was too late.,He was very unlucky.,Have you ever had an accident? Say:,where it happened what happened how you were hurt how long it took to get better,Work in pairs,Phrases in this unit.,1.多远 2.一会就赶上来 3.某人发生某事 4.等候其他人 5.等一会 6.出事故 7.沿着城墙跑 8.摔倒 9.大约10分钟前 10.摔断腿 11.用我的手机呼救,how far catch up in a few minutes sth. happened to sb. wait for the others wait a minute have an accident run along the wall fall over about 10 minutes ago break ones leg call for help on my mobile,12.带某人去医院 13.腿上有伤 14.发烧 15.没什么严重的 16.最好(不)做某事 17.受伤 18.感到有点冷 19.动动你的脚 20.追上,赶上,get /take sb. to hospital have got a wound in ones leg get /have a fever nothing serious had better (not) do sth. get a wound feel a bit cold move your feet catch up with,Hes got a wound in his leg and he may get a fever but its nothing serious. 他腿受了点伤,可能会发烧,但没什么大事。 这里nothing serious 表示“不很严重,没什么大事”。 例如: Dont worry! Nothing serious! 别担心!没什么大事!,Language points,1. The cup _off the table and broke. A. was fallen B. fell C. was fallen D. dropped 2. Dont worry. Ive already_ the doctor. A. waited for B. sent for C. passed on D. asked for 3. My parents have lived here _. A. since 1952 B. for many years ago C. many yeas ago D. since 1952 ago,单项选择,Practice,4. So far, she _ her holiday very much. A. hasnt enjoyed B. didnt enjoy C. doesnt enjoy D. was not enjoy 5. “Your arm is bleeding!” “Yes, I _it with a knife.” A. hurt B. was hurting C. have just hurt D. had hurt,Homework Make a dialogue about an accident that you had.,Danger is next neighbour to security. 危险是安全的近邻。,
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