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朝凤路学区2015-2016学年六年级英语第一学期期中质量检测卷听力部分一、听句子,从 A.B.C.D 四个选项中选出所包含的信息,并将字母标号填在题前的括号内。1. How do you go to school? Usually I go to school by train.2. Slow down and stop at a yellow light.3. How can I get to the Beihai Park? You can take the No.56 bus.4. Where is the cinema, please?5. Im going to buy a comic book.二、听问句,选出正确的答语。1. How can I get to the hospital?2. Where is the supermarket?3. Is it far from here?4. Thank you very much.5. What are you going to do tomorrow?三、听短文并填空。Im going to visit my grandparents this Sunday. I get there by subway. Their home is next to the science museum. I turn left at the traffic lights, and then go straight. Their home is on the right.听力部分答案一、D A B A C二、A B A B A三、visit subway science museum left traffic lights go straight right 智汇文库 专业文档
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