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第一课时Section A(1a2d)01基础过关 . 根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。1. Mr. Wang is _(幽默的). He often makes us laugh.2. Now pollution is a _(严重的)problem.3. Lily used to be quiet, but she is very _(开朗的)now.4. Mary got the highest _(得分)on the exam.5. Dont eat much junk food. You should _(改变)your eating habits. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6. Our English teacher is _(friend)to us. We regard her as our friend.7. Tom is such an honest and _(help)boy that all the neighbors like him.8. No matter what you ask, she always keeps _(silence)and says nothing.9. We can see some fishes _(swim)in the river now.10. My sister always wears _(glass)when she goes out. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。11. 你过去常常下午喝茶吗?_ _ _ _ drink tea in the afternoon?12. 周末琳达时常去上班。Linda goes to work at weekends _ _ _ _.13. 我个子高,留着短发并且戴副眼镜。I am tall,_ _ _ and wear glasses.14. 自从我们搬到这座城市以来已经有10年了。It _ _ ten years since we _ to this city.15. 玩这种游戏有趣。Its interesting _ _ this kind of game.02能力提升. 按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。16. He used to play the guitar. (改为一般疑问句)_ he _ to play the guitar?17. The boy is big and strong now. (改为感叹句)_ _ and _ the boy is now!18. Mikes grandpa has been dead for three years.(改为同义句)It _ _ three years _ Mikes grandpa died.19. Your brother used to have long hair.(完成反意疑问句)Your brother used to have long hair,_ _?20. There used to be a big park. (改为否定句)There _ _ to be a big park. 补全对话。根据对话内容,从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(其中有两项多余)A: Hi, Eric, how do you go to work every day?B: I used to go to work by bike, but now I have to go by train.A: 21 B: Because my company(公司)has moved to another city. Now everything has changed.A: Yes, it may be a long way to get to work. 22 B: I have to get up at 5:30 every morning.A: Oh, so early! 23 B: At least one and a half hours.A: Its a long trip. 24 B: Thats a good idea. I do sleep during the trip, or I will be sleepy all the morning.A: 25 B: Yes. Sometimes I cant get home until 9:00 p.m.A: Then you must be very tired after getting home.B: Youre right.A. What time did you get up?B. Do you get home late sometimes?C. Can you take a bus?D. When do you have to get up every morning?E. Why not make up some sleep in the train?F. How long does it take you to get there by train?G. Why do you have to go by train?21._22._23._ 24._25._第一课时Section A(1a2d). 1. humorous2. serious3. outgoing4. scores5. change. 6. friendly7. helpful8. silent9. swimming10. glasses. 11. Did you use to12. from time to time13. have short hair 14has been;moved15. to play. 16. Did;use17. How big;strong18. has been;since19. didnt he 20didnt use. 2125GDFEB 智汇文库 专业文档
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