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单元重难点题组训练 题组训练一 be known/famous for的用法.单项选择。( )1.Peng Liyuan is _ Chinese people as a beautiful and popular singer.And now she is also the First Lady in China.A. known as B. proud ofC. famous for D. wellknown to( )2.Sanya is famous _ its beautiful beaches.A. of B. for C. as D. to( )3.She is known _ a popular singer.A. as B. for C. to D. of.根据句意及提示完成句子。4.中国以其悠久的历史而闻名。(be famous for)_5.The great artist _ his amazing use of colors and shapes.(以而闻名) 题组训练二 no matter的用法.单项选择。( )1. _ I am in trouble,my best friend Li Lei always helps me.A. Whenever B. Whatever C. However D. Never( )2.Kates dad is getting old. She will go back home to see him _ it is convenient.A. because B. whenever C. although D. unless( )3.Remember,Bob,_ happens,keep calm and quiet.I will. Thanks, Dad.A. no matter when B. no matter whatC. no matter how D. no matter where.同义句转换,每空一词。4.Whoever you are,Ill never let you in._ _ _ you are,Ill never let you in.5.Whichever you choose,you will be satisfied._ _ _ you choose,you will be satisfied. 题组训练三 complete与finish辨析.单项选择。( )1.Remember to return the book to the library when you finish _ it.A. read B. to read C. reading D. reads( )2.All the students must _ the course in this term.A. finish B. complete C. do D. avoid( )3.Jane _ the book and she knew the _ event.A. completed;complete B. complete;completeC. finishes;complete D. finished;completed.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。4.他已经做完了他的工作。He _ _ _ his work already.5.他在两年内修完了学位。He _ his _ in two years. 题组训练四 be made of/from/in/by辨析.单项选择。( )1.This kind of car looks so beautiful. It _ in my hometown.A. make B. makes C. is made D. made( )2.This pair of shoes _ hand,and it _ very comfortable.A. is made with;is feltB. are made from;is feltC. are made of;feelsD. is made by;feels( )3.Your sweater looks very nice. Whats it made _ ?Wool,and its made _ Guiyang.A. from;on B. of;inC. of;on D. from;in.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。4.多么漂亮的车呀!是国产的吗?What a nice car!_ it _ _ China?5.风筝是纸做的,纸是木头做的。The kite _ _ _ paper and the paper _ _ _ wood.单元重难点题组训练一、.13DBA.4.China is famous for its long history.5.is famous for/is known for二、.13ABB.4.No matter who5.No matter which三、.13CBA.4.has finished doing5.completed;degree四、.13CDB.4.Is;made in5.is made of;is made from 智汇文库 专业文档
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