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M 5,Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China,Do you know the four great inventions of ancient China?,Compass,Paper-making,Printing,Gunpowder,The four great inventions of ancient China is one of the signs of China being an ancient civilized country, occupying an important position in the history of human civilization.,中国古代四大发明是中国成为古老 文明的国家的标志之一,在人类文 明史上占有重要地位。,Objectives,To learn about the four great inventions of ancient China To learn about philosophers of ancient China 3. To introduce some famous inventors or philosophers you are interested in,How much do you know about the inventors and the inventions in the world? Lets have a quiz.,1. _ isnt Thomas Edisons invention.,The light bulb,B. The record player,C. The telephone,2. _ is called “Father of Car”. A. Rudolf Diesel B. Karl Benz C. Thomas Edison,3. _ is called “ Father of Dynamite (炸药)”. A. Alfred Nobel B. Albert Einstein C. Alexander Bell,4. Marconi (马可尼) invented the first _ in the world. A. TV B. radio C. typewriter,5. _ invented the first airplane. A. Wright Brothers B. Henry Ford C. Benjamin Franklin,Can you step twice into the same river? Its a philosophical question. Whats your opinion?,古希腊哲学家赫拉克利特有句名言: “人不能两次踏入同一条河流。” 他解释说,你不能两次走进同一条河流中去;因为当你第二次走进这条河流时,它已经不是你第一次走进时的那条河流,原来的那条河流早就变化了。 你同意他的观点吗?,What is Philosophy?,It is the use of reason in understanding such things as the nature of reality and existence, the use and limits of knowledge and the principles that govern and influence moral judgment.,哲学一词,源出希腊语philosophia,意即爱智慧。社会意识形态之一,是关于世界观的学说。是自然知识和社会知识的概括和总结。哲学的根本问题是思维和存在、精神和物质的关系问题,根据对这个问题的不同解释而形成两大对立派别:唯心主义哲学和唯物主义哲学。,Sokrates 469BC399BC,Do you know these Western philosophers and theirs famous well-known sayings?,认识自己, 方能认识人生。 苏格拉底,Plato 427BC347BC,良好的开端, 等于成功的一半。 柏拉图,Aristotle (384BC322BC ),吾爱我师, 吾更爱真理。 亚里士多德,苏格拉底和他的学生柏拉图, 以及柏拉图的学生亚里士多德 被并称为“古希腊三贤”。,Do you know any philosopher of ancient China? Guess the people by what they said.,You can learn from everyone.,三人行必有我师。,Confucius (551BC479BC),Treat others in the way you want to be treated.,己所不欲, 勿施于人。,Mencius (372BC289BC),Man is born good.,人性本善。,People are more important than rulers.,民为贵 君为轻。,Mozi (476BC390BC),We should love all human beings.,兼爱。,All human beings are equal.,众生平等。,在中国历史上,春秋战国是思想和文化最为辉煌灿烂、群星闪烁的时代。这一时期出现了诸子百家彼此诘难,相互争鸣的盛况空前的学术局面,在中国思想发展史上占有重要的地位。中国伟大的思想家大多出现于这个时代,构成了中华文明的精华和基础。,春秋战国 Chun Qiu Period and Warring States Period,儒家 代表人物:孔子、孟子、荀子。 作品:孔子、孟子、 荀子 道家 代表人物:老子、庄子。 作品:道德经、庄子 墨家 代表人物:墨子。作品:墨子 法家 代表人物:韩非、李斯。 作品:韩非子 ,诸子可以说是政治学派的总称,是因为其各家的基本宗旨大都是为国君提供政治方略。儒家主张以德化民;道家主张无为而治;法家主张信赏必罚;墨家主张兼爱尚同。诸子百家中,儒家创始人孔子因继承三代中原文化正统,在诸子百家中脱颖而出。以致儒家学说不仅在诸子百家中地位显著,而且还成为传统文化的主流、核心内容,对中华民族精神的形成产生了无与伦比的影响。,Confucius,Mencius,Mozi,Three philosophers of ancient China,Chinese name:孔丘 Foreign name:Confucius Another name:孔子,仲尼 Nationality :China Nation:Han Birthplace:鲁国陬邑(今曲阜市尼山镇),Date of death:April 11, 479BC Profession: teacher, philosopher Belief:Confucianism(儒学) Achievements:开创儒家学派编纂春秋,修订“五经”创办私学,打破贵族教育 Representative works:春秋,Chinese name:孟轲 Foreign name:Mencius Another name:孟子,子舆,子车,子居,亚圣 Nationality:华夏族 Birthplace:邹(今山东邹县) Date of birth:372BC,Profession:scholar, thinker Achievements:孟子被加封为“亚圣公”以后就称为“亚圣”,其思想与孔子思想合称为孔孟之道 Representative works:孟子 Time:the Warring States Period,Chinese name: 墨翟 Foreign name: Mozi Nationality: controversy (有争议) Nation: controversy Birthplace: not quite clear (不详) Date of birth: not quite clear Date of death: not quite clear Profession: thinker, philosopher, educator, creator of Mohism Achievement: created Mohism Representative works:墨子,Whose ideas do you agree with most?,Pair work,Example: A: Whose ideas do you agree with most? B: I agree with most. (reasons) E.g. I agree with statements of Confucius very much . If you want other people to be kind to you, you must be kind to them. How about you? A: I agree with,In ancient China, private teachers travelled from state to s_ explaining their p_.,Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. You may need to change the words in some way.,tate,hilosophy,equal importance look after philosopher philosophy ruler state teachings thinker treat war,Confucius was the most important of the ancient Chinese p_. Confuciuss t_ influenced society for more than 2,000 years. Other important t_ included Mencius and Mozi. All three teachers believed in the i_ of kindness and good government.,hilosophers,eachings,hinkers,mportance,Menciuss ideas were very similar to those of Confucius, but some of Mozis t_ were very different. For example, he hated the idea of w_ and believed that strong people should l_ weaker people.,eachings,ar,ook after,Western philosophy: The curiosity is a kind of human nature. People should know about no
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