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话题积累 水滴石穿,基础盘点 自我演练,要点精研 考点讲练,课时规范训练,alternative,interrupt,acute,assume,dizzy,somehow,delete,accelerate,arrest,accuracy,accurate,messy,mess,analysis,analyses,analyse,applaud,applause,significance,significant,starvation,starve,regardless of,at most,cut up,fed up with,look ahead,追溯到;始于,欣慰地,上来,走向前,被提及,with,havent seen,up,woods,to do,of,as the old saying goes,If only,could be united,only to be told,students,An,finding,it,of,where,suggests,made,specially,was,There is no alternative for us but to take immediate action to stop pollution,to wait,wait,wait,to wait,interruption,to interrupt,is assumed,Assuming,to be,assumption,assume him to be right,make the assumption that,it is assumed that,most significant,significance,of great significance,robbing,arrested,arrested,been arrested,regardless of,Despite/In spite of,Regardless of,dating,dates from/back to my school days,had followed,knew,would never have found,were,had afforded,If only I hadnt said,is a student allowed to enter this room,only to discover,only to be told,to be turned,causing,He went to swim in the river nearby,never to come back again.,
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