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2013年6月六级考试真题答案解析(第一套)2013年6月大学英语六级考试真题(一)答案与详解Part Writing1、审题: 本篇是评论性的话题作文。 “微笑”是常谈不衰的话题,它本应是人们最自然、最常见的表情,而现代都市人大都为生活、工作、学业、子女等种种事务日复一日地劳碌奔波,背负着越来越大的压力,那种最真诚、最自然、最质朴的微笑正渐渐从人们的脸上消失。在科技发达的现代社会,人与人之间在空间上的距离更近了,但在心灵上却越走越远。本篇要求评论“微笑可以拉近两个人的距离”这句话并为文,而在更深层次上,出题人似乎是想借这个题目引发人们的思考,让人们通过“微笑”消除彼此之间的冷漠、仇恨、冲突,搭建良好的交流沟通和亲近的桥梁,因此这一题目开放性强,考生可发挥的空间很大。此外,题目Drections中指出考生可以援引事例来证明观点,这为考生行文提供了一个思路,即:先陈述微笑的作用,然后援引事例予以证明,并对事例简单评述以点题,最后提出个人看法。此外,考生也可先指出微笑可以缩短人与人之间距离的几个方面,然后指出微笑所代表的深层含义(人与人之间的信任支持、关怀友爱、宽容悲悯等真挚情感),最后再作出总结。2、写作思路:第一段:引用特蕾莎修女的名言,指出微笑能缩短人与人之间的距离,并从三个方面体现:消融冷漠或敌意;赋予力量;拉近友情。第二段:从不同角度举例证明微笑能缩短人与人之间的距离:绝望中抚慰心灵;陌生环境中与人亲近,获得帮助;困境中,获得力量。第三段:总结前面所述,给出个人看法:微笑让我们受益匪浅,笑口常开促进人与人的交流,促进社会的和谐。A Smile Can Shorten the Distance Between People Mother Teresa once said, “Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.” Human beings are said to be one of the few species in this planet who can express sincere sentiments through a smile. And it is a smile that melts the indifference or hostility between people, that gives power to those who are at the edge of despair, and that brings friends close to each other. In a word, it is a smile that continuously shortens the distance between people.A smile, with its strong power, brings out its miraculous glamour in different ways. When you are in the situation of despair, a smile from others will console your hurting heart. When you get into an unfamiliar circumstance, a smile will make the people around you feel comfortable and help you willingly. When you get into trouble, a smile from friends will give you power to stand up. Where there is no smile, there is no happiness of life.Seen from the discussion above, a smile benefits us very much. Lets keep smiling so that better communication between people can be achieved and a more harmonious society can be built.Part Listening Comprehension1.听力原文:W: I was shocked to hear of your wifes illness. Is she going to be all right?M: At first, the doctors wont assure, but shes really improved. Shell be home next week.Q: What do we learn about the mans wife from the conversation?【预测】选项中的主语she以及recovered, operation, critical condition (危急状况)和 getting much better表明,对话与she的病情有关。听录音时注意判断目前疾病是好了还是没好。【精析】D)。女士询问男士他妻子的病情,男士说她现在好多了( improved ),下周就可以出院回家,故答案为D项。本题的关键是抓住男士话中but转折后的shes really improved。but转折后一般为表达重点,听录音时需留意。2. 听力原文:M: Excuse me. can I get a ticket for a sleeping compartment on this train?W: Yes, there are four left. The price is 60 pounds per person, including a continental breakfast.Q: What is the man doing?【预测】选项均为动词v.-ing短语,故问题很可能考查对话人物正在做什么。由ordering, booking和buying可知,该行为可能涉及預订或购买。【精析】C)。由男士话中的can I get a ticket. on this train?不难得知,他正在买火车票,故答案为C项。其他几项都是根据对话中的词语设置的干扰。compartment意为“火车 车厢”。3.听力原文:M: Janet, heres the book I borrowed from you, but Im so sorry that I cant find its jacketW: It doesnt matter. Anyway, you are one of the few people who actually return books to me.Q: What does the woman imply?【预测】选项中的 returned the books to her, brought her book back和books she lent out表明,对话与女士借出的书的归还情况有关。听录音时重点留意女士的话。【精析】A)。男士还书给女士,女士说男士是为数不多还书给她的人之一(one of the few people. return books),由此可推知,大数多借书者都没有把书还给女士,故答案为A项。4.听力原文:M :Lisa, have you been to the new supermarket yet?W :Yes. and no. I went there last Saturday for their grand opening sale, but I drove around the parking lot for nearly an hour, looking for a space before I finally save up and came home.Q: What does the woman mean?【预测】选项中的主语she以及get some bargains,supermarket和last Saturday表明,对话中可能涉及女士上周六去超市买东西的事。【精析】D)。女士说她上周六去了新开的超市、但是没找到停车位,最后放弃回家了 (gave up and came home),也就是说她压根没有进到超市里面,故答案为D项。5.听力原文: W:Youve been sitting at the computer for hours. Lets take a coffee break, shall we?M:I wish. I could. You know. Im up to my neck in work. Ive got to finish this report. I dont want to miss the deadline.Q:What does the man mean?【预测】选项中的do his report, missed the report以及pain, without a computer和coffee break表明,对话可能与男士的报告有关,可能涉及影响他写报告的事情。【精析】C)。女士建议男士喝杯咖啡休息一下 (Lets take a coffee break),由男士话中的I wish I could。“我希望我能。”即可推知,他现在不能休息;而接下来男士的话也进一步说明,他现在忙着赶报告,没时间喝咖啡,故答案为C项。be up to ones neck为惯用短语,意为“忙得不可开交。6.听力原文:M: What do you think of this gallery space? They offer to let me exhibit some of my paintings here.W: Are you kidding? Any art student I know would die to have an exhibition here.Q: What can we infer from the conversation?【预测】选项中的show their works in the gallery,the mans paintings,exhibition和his art works表明,对话与男士在画廊展览作品有关。【精析】A)。男士说画廊让他在那里展示他的一些作品,女士感到十分惊讶(Are you kidding?),并说她认识的美术专业学生都迫切希望能在那里展示作品(die to have an exhibition here),由此可推出,只有优秀的学生才能在那里展示作品, 故答案为A项。7.听力原文:W: Gary, mv assistant is in hospital now. Is there anyone in your department who could give a hand for a few davs?M: I think so. Ill ask around and get back to you.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?【预测】选项中的 woman needs, woman
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