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单元语法突破.将下列各句改为间接引语1.She said,“Mother,the boy is very naughty.”She said her mother the boy very naughty.答案:to;that;was2.Our physics teacher told us,“Light travels faster than sound.”Our physics teacher told us light faster than sound.答案:that;travels3.“Dont be late again.” My teacher said to me.My teacher asked me late again.答案:not to be 4.“My daughter went to Peking University last year,” Mrs Lee said to her friend.Mrs Lee her friend daughter to Peking University .答案:told;that her;had gone;the year before5. The hostess said,“Tom,do you like the soup?”The hostess Tom the soup.答案:asked;if/whether he liked6.The angry mother shouted at her son,“When will you begin to study hard?”The angry mother shouted at her son begin to study hard.答案:when he would7.Sandy said,“Sister,why is our aunt coming here tomorrow?”Sandy sister aunt .答案:asked her;why their;was going there the next/following day8.She said,“He will go to see his friend.”She said he go to see.答案:would;his friend9.“You have finished the homework,havent you?” my mother asked.My mother asked methe homework.答案:whether I had finished10.“Dont make any noise,” she said to the children.She the children make any noise.答案:told(ordered);not to.七选五ExamPreparationTipsExams are extremely stressful events in everyones life,and the only way to deal with them satisfactorily is to be well prepared.Here are some basic preparation tips that can help you face any examination.1Before you get started,it is necessary that you have all the possible material prepared.It would be highly distracting if you constantly found that you did not have all the study material with you while studying.Usemnemonics(记忆术)Mnemonics are perfect tools for memorizing long and complicated formulas and definitions.2GroupstudyStudying in a group helps if all the people involved are studying for the same examination.3 Studying alone often gives rise to anxiety,and this is a condition that can easily be avoided by studying in a group.4Out of all the preparation tips for exams,this is often overlooked.Many people feel that studying long hours and sacrificing sleep in favor of studying will benefit them greatly.In fact,lack of sleep can cause a serious drop in concentration levels and can also build up a great amount of anxiety.SticktoyourscheduleBefore you get started with your preparation,you must make a proper schedule,and plan out your studies carefully.Set short term goals for yourself,and reward yourself when you keep achieving these goals.5A.Get enough sleepB.Exercise regularlyC.Gather the materialD.They can help each other out if any doubts appear suddenly.E.Keeping a positive and healthy attitude can benefit you greatly.F.Also keep in mind that you must not set unrealistic goals for yourself.G.Almost everyone uses mnemonics to some extent to aid in their exam preparation.答案:15 CGDAF.完形填空A few years ago,I had a long way to get home from work.One morning I was on my way home and was very 1 after working 12 hours at night.I 2 at a restaurant to have 3.It was really a truck stop and I was the only customer.Right after I placed my order I saw a man come in.He was 4 a small bag.Perhaps he had seen better times,but there was no sign of any 5 times now.He reached in his pocket and 6 some change.He asked the waitress if 38 cents was 7 to buy a cup of coffee.She looked at his hand and said,“Of course.Have a 8.”(Coffee was 50 cents a cup at the time.)It really 9 me how she had tried to help him to 10 his pride and how he had not asked for any charity.Shortly before my food came,I 11 the waitress to come over.I said,“You know,I am not feeling well.I dont 12 I am going to be able to eat my breakfast.Do you think there is anyone here who might eat it?”She first asked 13 I was OK and then she understood.She said,“I think so.Are you sure?”I told her that I was 14.She then walked over to the gentleman and told him that I had 15 food and it was too 16 to stop the order but I didnt feel like eating.She asked if he would be so 17 as to take it so that they wouldnt have to 18it in the dustbin.I walked to 19 the meal,bought a gift card and asked them to 20 it to the gentleman after I left.This mans quiet dignity(尊严) touched me in ways that I dont even fully understand.1.A.boredB.excitedC.tiredD.worried提示:由下文中的working12hoursatnight可知,作者非常“累(tired)”。答案:C2.A.stayedB.lookedC.stoppedD.appeared提示:由下文中的atruckstop可知,作者“停在(stopped)”了一家餐厅。答案:C3.A.breakfastB.supperC.waterD.coffee提示:由上文中的afterworking12hoursatnight及第三段中的beabletoeatmybreakfast可知此处指的是吃“早饭(breakfast)”。答案:A4.A.leavingB.carryingC.b
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