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Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7单元写作指导 & Section B(3a 3b) 【单元写作目标】能描述自己初中生活中印象深刻的事件,并展望一年后的自己。1. 能用“remember doing, I never forget doing”来表达过去发生的事情;2. 能用现在完成时来描述自己过去的经历;3. 能用“look forward to, hope to, would like to”等来描述自己对将来的期待与展望;4. 写作微技能:能运用正确的时态来表达。、语言积累()Special memories and experiences:根据首字母或中文提示,完成句子.1. Jenny remembers that she was so f of energy and (渴望的)for knowledge when she was just starting Grade 7.2. Tom still remembers the first day of Grade 7 1 it was yesterday.3. Betty remembers helping each other w homework and getting better together.4. Darning never (忘记)being a volunteer once.5. The teacher I will never forget is Ms. Lee, who was always (耐心的)with me and helped me (解决)the answers by myself no matter how difficult they were.6. Tim has taken part in many school activities and (享受)every year of junior high school.7. Xiaoming has w many prizes in the school sports each year and he will never forget the (兴奋).8. Lingling remembers helping and (支持)from her great parents, (关心的)teachers, kind classmates and friends.(二)Progress in junior high school:根据首字母或中文提示,完成句子。1. Betty u to be scared of a teacher with high (标准). But now she has (克服)the fear.2. Now Jenny puts in more effort and her exam scores (加倍).3. Darning has grown up so much and he is (自豪)of himself.4. Xiaoming has grown up and can be r (有责任的)for himself.5. Now Tim knows he has the (能力)to do good work.6. I have realized that knowledge will give us w to fly. Therefore, I have worked very hard over the last three years and made great (进步).7. I know I couldnt succeed by myself. I shall be t to the people around me.(三)Hopeful Future:根据首字母或中女提示,完成句子。1. Jenny is looking f to new experiences in senior high school.2. It is always hard to (分幵)from those whom you have spent so much time with for the past three years. But Tom is sure that he will set out on a new j when he enters senior high school.3. Betty plans to try her best to (实现)her aims.4. Mengjie is good at math and she won a p for it. So she wants to get a business degree and become a (经理).5. The end of junior high school is the b of a new life. Although the life in high school is hard and there may be many difficult (任务) (在前面)of me, I will never give up and always do my best.三、篇章训练时光飞逝,转眼间初中生活即将结束。时光精灵带走了三年相伴的岁月,却留下了最难忘的回忆。请您以“My Unforgettable Junior High School Life”为题写一篇约120词 的英语短文。叙述难忘的初中生活,并展望你的未来。【我的提纲】1. 简单罗列难忘事件中人物、事件、地点、过程、感受等: 2. 展望未来: 单元写作指导 & Section B(3a 3b) 一、语言积累(一)1. full; thirsty 2. like 3. with 4. forgets 5. patient; work out 6. enjoyed 7. won; excitement 8. supporting; caring(二)1. used; standards; overcome 2. doubled 3. proud 4. responsible 5. ability 6. wings; progress 7. thankful(三)1. forward 2. separate; journey 3. achieve 4. prize; manager 5. beginning; tasks; ahead二、篇章训练One possible version:How time flies! My colorful junior high school life is coming to an end. I cant forget the happy time that Ive spent here with my kind classmates and caring teachers.I used to be a problem student. I was always late for school, listened to music and ate snacks in class. Whats worse, I hardly ever finished my homework on time. It was not surprising to find that my Chinese was not so good and I did badly in math and English. You can imagine how terrible I was!Luckily, with the help of my teachers and classmates, things changed a lot. Its really amazing how much I have changed! Now I behave well and study hard. I can almost finish my homework well with the help of my classmates. Step by step,now my Chinese is good, and my math and English have improved a lot. Whats more, I get on well with others and always help others. I have learned a lot over these three years, but I know I could hardly succeed without the people who helped and supported memy teachers, my parents and my classmates.I wont forget the days I have spent in junior high school. Even though I am sad that its time to say goodbye,Im looking forward to new experiences in senior high school. Although the life in high school is hard and there may be many difficult tasks ahead of me, I will never give up and always do my best to overcome them. I have confidence to do better in the future.
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