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Units12.完形填空张明教父母使用微信A series of illustrations(插图) made by a young man to teach his parents how to use WeChat, Chinas most popular mobile messaging app, has become a _1_ topic online.Zhang Ming, a young man who works in Beijing, bought his _2_ two smart phones during the Chinese New Year holiday, hoping that his parents could use these phones to better communicate with him.Zhang thought the popular mobile messaging app would be a(an) _3_ thing for his parents. However, he was wrong, for the 12 days he was at home, he gave his parents stepbystep instructions _4_ they still didnt quite get it.“After I returned to Beijing for work, they kept calling me for advice on how to _5_ WeChat,” Zhang said.Zhang then decided to draw nine pages of illustrations to _6_ his parents how to use the shortvoicemessage and photo sharing functions. His illustrations are easy to use. Born in east Chinas Shandong Province, Zhang Ming spent four years attending college in southwest Chinas Chongqing and then started working in Beijing.“I spend less than a month with my parents every year,” Zhang added.Zhangs mother used to complain he didnt call them _7_. “I usually do outofoffice work, and am often too busy to give them a call,” Zhang said.“Son, have you met someone? _8_ are you coming home this year?” Zhangs parents “Wechatted” to him.The illustrations worked well, and Zhangs parents quickly mastered the app and began to _9_ him voice messages and photos. In addition to WeChat, Zhang uses his photos to decorate his parents home. “Sometimes, relatives and friends visit home, and my parents would point to these _10_ and proudly tell them their son teaches them high tech stuff.” Zhang said.(D )1.AcoldBwarmCcool Dhot(C )2.AfriendsBrelativesCparentsDgrandparents(B )3.AhardBeasyCinterestingDrelaxing(C )4.AandBbecauseCbutDthough (B )5.AmakeBuseCdrawDwrite(A )6.AteachBstudyCallowDrefuse (D )7.AsometimesBhardly CreallyDoften(C )8.AWhereBHowCWhenDWhat (A )9.AsendBflyClendDspend(D )10.AvoiceBbooksCmagazines Dphotos 【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。主要介绍了张明 “满满的爱”感动了无数网友。他用自己的画画特长,为父母专门手绘了一本“微信使用说明书”,配有详尽的文字,教会远方的父母如何用微信与自己交流。【答案精析】1D考查形容词辨析。cold“冷的”;warm“温暖的”;cool“凉爽的”;hot“炎热的;火热的”。由语境可知微信已经成为网上的一个热门话题。故选D。2C考查名词辨析。friends“朋友”;relatives“亲人”;parents“父母亲”;grandparents“祖父母”。结合下文“hoping that his parents could use these phones to better communicate with him”可知是为父母亲买的智能手机。故选C。3B考查形容词辨析。hard“困难的”;easy“容易的;简单的”;interesting“有趣的”;relaxing“放松的”。由下文介绍父母很难学会使用微信,可知他原来认为使用微信对他父母来说是一种容易的事。故选B。4C考查连词辨析。and“和”,表并列关系;because“因为”,表因果关系;but“但是”,表转折关系;though“虽然”,表让步关系。他给父母一步一步地说明如何使用微信,但父母仍然没有学会,两者之间表示一种转折关系。故选C。5B考查动词辨析。make“制作”;use“使用”;draw“绘画”;write“书写”。由上下文语境可知,张明回北京工作后,他父母还一直给他打电话,问他如何“使用”微信。故选B。6A考查动词辨析。teach“教”;study“学习”;allow“允许”;refuse“拒绝”。由第一句“A series of illustrations(插图) made by a young man to teach his parents how to use WeChat,”可知他决定画9张插图来“教”他父母如何使用语音短信和照片分享功能。故选A。7D考查副词辨析。sometimes“有时”;hardly“几乎不”;really“确实”;often“经常”。由“张明的妈妈过去常常抱怨”可知“张明不经常给他们打电话”。故选D。8C考查特殊疑问词辨析。where“哪里”;how“怎样”;when“什么时候”;what“什么”。由语境可知此处表示父母问张明什么时候回家。故选C。9A考查动词辨析。send“发送”;fly“飞行”;lend“借给”;spend“花费”。由插图很有用,张明的父母很快就掌握了用法可知,他们开始给张明“发送”语音信息和照片了。故选A。10D考查名词辨析。voice“声音”;books“书籍”;magazines“杂志”;photos“照片”。由上文语境张明画的9张插图很快教会了他父母使用微信可知此处表示张明的父母指着这些“图片”自豪地告诉亲朋好友他们的儿子教会他们使用高科技产品了。故选D。.阅读理解学生是否应该学习繁体字We all know that there are two versions of written Chinese characters. People in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan use traditional characters. And on the Chinese mainland we write with simplified ones.However, at this years Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC), wellknown film director Feng Xiaogang suggested that schools should teach students 50200 of the most meaningful traditional Chinese characters.“It is not to get rid of the simplified characters, but to let the children know about the most important part of traditional Chinese culture,” said Feng.Take two simplified characters as an example, “亲” (meaning dear, or relatives) and “爱” (meaning love). The traditional version for “亲” is “親”, which has an extra “見” meaning “see”;while “爱” is written as “愛” in the traditional way, which has an extra “心” meaning “heart”“Love needs heart and relatives need tosee each other,” Feng said. “The simplified versions of these characters have lost their human touch.”“Learning traditional Chinese will also help people better understand Chinese historical works written in traditional characters,” said Lu Bo, editorinchief of Macao Daily News.However, many people think it not necessary to do so. They say simplified characters are easier to learn and write, and people have got used to them.“Traditional Chinese characters are too hard for beginners and students dont have the language environment outside the classroom,” Zhang Jian, a Guangzhou primary schoo
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