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Lessons 1-3从方框里选择恰当的句子补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: You were late for class this morning, werent you?B: Yes, I was. I didnt sleep well last night.A: (1)_ What happened?B: There will be a big exam the day after tomorrow. You know I often feel nervous before exams. (2)_A: Let me see. (3)_ You can ask Mr. Black for advice. Hes sure to make you relaxed.B: Who is he? This is the first time that Ive heard of Mr. Black. A: Oh, he is a writer who studies Chinese in our school. (4)_B: (5)_A: I knew him from our teachers. You can have a try. Hes a great man.A. He knows well about teenagers.B. Why didnt you sleep well?C. Which doctor should I see?D. How did you know him?E. What was the matter?F. Maybe you are not confident enough.G. What should I do?( “参考答案角”)第13课口语小练:15 BGFAD
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