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Section B(2a2c),一、根据句意及汉语提示写单词。 1His parents are _ (忙碌的) these days. 2Does Alice like _ (美术)? Yes,she does. 3This is a difficult _ (事情) for me. 4We are really busy this _(学期) 5I like my _ (亲爱的) parents very much.,busy,art,thing,term,dear,二、根据句意,选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空。 trip,festival,student,time,nine 1Teachers Day is a great _ for all the teachers. 2September is the _ month of a year. 3All the _ are in the classroom. 4Its relaxing to go to Hangzhou for a _ 5Do you have _ to play sports?,festival,ninth,students,trip,time,三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 1祝你在学校活动日玩得开心。 _ _ _ _ on School Day. 2这个月他们有两场球赛。 They have two _ _ this month. 3下个月我们有体育节。 We have Sports Day _ _ 4下周我们将在学校图书馆举办一场图书销售会。 We will have a _ _ in the _ _next week. 5简给我们安排了一些有趣又好玩的游戏。 Jane has some _ _ _ games for us. 6你们的父母9月21日可以来我们学校。 Your parents can come to our school _ _ _,Have a good time/day,ball games,next month,book sale,school library,interesting and fun,on September 21st,四、单项选择。,1.Anna has _ school trip _ this month. Aa;at Ba;/ C/;at D/;/ 2September is a great _.We always have a school sports meeting in September. Aday Bweek Cmonth Dyear 3We have a _ sale in our school next week. Sounds great.I want to buy some books. Aclothes Bfood Cfruit Dbook,4My birthday is in May,the _ month of the year. Afive Bthird Cfifth Dsixth 5Mary likes art and she wants to be _ art teacher. Aa Ban Cthe D/ 6John,can you play tennis with me? Sorry,Mike.Im _ now.What about this afternoon? Along Bshort Cbusy Dfun 7Im very happy because my school has a school _ next month. Aphoto Btrip Cterm Dtime 8My father is really busy.He doesnt have _ to play sports. Atime Bballs Cfruit Dclothes,9_ do they play baseball? In the afternoon. AHow BWhere CWhen DWhat 10Well have a school trip next week. _. AHave a good time BYes,please CNo,we dont DExcuse me,五、从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。,A:Hi,David.1._ B:Yes.I have a test on the 19th. A:I see.2._ B:Yes,I do.I like it very much. A:Great.3._ B:Really?When is it? A:It is at 3:00 pm.on the 23rd.4._ B:Yes,Im not busy then.5._ She likes volleyball,too. A:Sure. B:Great.See you then.,ADo you like volleyball? BDo you want to come? CYou look busy this week. DCan I ask my sister to go with me? EWe have a volleyball game in our school.,六、完形填空。,Hi,Im Mike.Im 13.I have _1_ good friends.Theyre Eric and David,and they are twelve years old.We are in the same school,_2_ not in the same class.We like sports and we can play _3_ well.Its fun and _4_ to play basketball.The schools basketball game is _5_ October 5th.We really _6_ it. Next week is _7_ birthday.I want to buy a _8_ Tshirt for David.He likes blue.Its about ten dollars.What about Eric?He says he wants to _9_ a pair of sports socks for David.Theyre about eight dollars.Next to our school is Ms.Whites Clothes Store.Things in it are nice.Eric and I will go to the _10_ to buy some things after school.,1A.one Btwo Cthree Dfour 2A.and Bso Cor Dbut 3A.basketball Bvolleyball Ctennis Dbaseball 4A.difficult Blate Crelaxing Dboring 5A.at Bon Cin Dfor 6A.call Bget Clike Dplay 7A.our BErics CDavids Dtheir 8A.black Bwhite Cgreen Dblue 9A.think Bbuy Cask Dneed 10A.store Broom Cclassroom Dlibrary,七、阅读理解。,This is Helens calendar in October.,1.English Day is on _. AOctober 1st BOctober 4th COctober 8th DOctober 12th 2Helen will _ on October 14th. Ago to Anns birthday party Bplay soccer Chave an English test Dhave a school trip 3Tom will have a birthday party on _. AOctober 9th BOctober 11th COctober 29th DOctober 19th,4The art festival will last (持续) _. Athree days Bfour days Cfive days Dsix days 5_ is on October 27th. ASchool Day BSports Day CThe book sale DThe English test,
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