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home,Objectives,In this unit, you will,Objectives, read an article about the demand for blue-collar workers; enlarge your vocabulary relating to personal qualities; gain some ideas of what the top 9 blue-collar jobs are; get some tips about modal verbs in English; learn how to read and write a thank-you letter.,main,Listening and Speaking,Text A,Grammar Tips,Text B,Comprehensive Exercises,Practical Reading and Writing,Warm-up,Blue-collar workers,Warm-up-Background Information,Discussion,Background Information,Warm-up,A blue-collar worker is a member of the working class who performs manual labor. Blue-collar work may involve skilled or unskilled, manufacturing, mining, construction, mechanical, maintenance, technical installation and many other types of physical work. Blue-collar work is often paid hourly wage-labor, although some professionals may be paid by the project or salaried. There is a wide range of payscales for such work depending upon field of specialty and experience.,Warm-up-Background Information,Background Information,Discussion,Warm-up,Warm-up- The use of the Internet,Warm-up,Background Information,Discussion,White-collar workers typically perform work in an office environment and may involve sitting at a computer or desk. Service workers, or pink-collar workers, make up a third type of worker. Their labor is related to customer interaction, entertainment sales or other service-oriented work.,Questions: 1. Do you like blue-collar jobs?,Warm-up- Discussion1,Discussion,Background Information,Warm-up,I like blue-collar jobs because: the demand is huge; we can get professional training and technical knowledge; and the salary is good.,Hints,Questions: 2. What will be your favourite blue-collar job and why?,Warm-up- Discussion2,Discussion,Background Information,Warm-up,My favourite blue-collar job is that of a gardener, because: I can work outdoors and enjoy the fresh air; and I can keep fit and get good pay.,Hints,A. Choose the best answer according to what you hear.,Listening_A1,Listening and Speaking,Speaking,Listening,I. Listening,Script,A. They must be knowledgeable. B. They must be hard-working. C. They must be talented. D. They must be skilled.,1.,Listening_A2,Listening and Speaking,Speaking,Listening,No, its not true. B. Its not true of all blue-collar workers. C. Yes, it is true. D. Its not always true of blue-collar workers.,2.,Listening_A3,Listening and Speaking,Speaking,Listening,In a factory. B. On a farm. C. In a bank. D. In an airport.,3.,Listening_A4,Listening and Speaking,Speaking,Listening,A. Blue-collar workers are not well paid in China. B. Blue-collar workers are fewer than necessary in China. C. Blue-collar workers are not skilled enough. D. Blue-collar workers are not well educated.,4.,Listening_A5,Listening and Speaking,Speaking,Listening,They are generally paid less than white-collar workers B. They are always paid less than white-collar workers. C. They are always better paid than white-collar workers. D. The woman does not know the answer.,5.,Listening_B1,Listening and Speaking,Speaking,Listening,B. Fill in the blanks of the following passage according to what you hear.,You must have heard of white- and blue-collar workers, and possibly gold-collar workers (1) . Recently a new color of collar is (2) its way into China. Its green. A typical green collar is well educated like a white collar but (3) strong like a blue collar. They are mostly born in the 70s or 80s and live in one of Chinas big cities. Their (4) may,as well,_,making,_,physically,_,life,_,Listening_B2,Listening and Speaking,Speaking,Listening,go something like this: turn off the mobile phone after work, eat only (5) food, meet friends every weekend, and like to help poor people. Green collars even have their (6) club. In Beijing, the Green Collar Club is for people who want to “be happy, healthy and helpful”. They not only (7) in their careers, but also like to enjoy life. They have a lot of (8) , but do not fall slave to it.,healthy,_,own,_,succeed,_,money,_,Talk about your ideas of an ideal job based on the following questions.,Speaking1,Listening and Speaking,II. Speaking,Speaking,Listening,1. What kind of job is an ideal one in your mind? 2. What personal qualities are necessary for getting and doing the job? 3. What advantages does the job as a blue-collar worker have? 4. Do blue-collar workers need to speak good English?,M: What is a qualified blue-collar worker like in your mind? W: Well, many things are important, but, to me, skills come first. Q: What does the woman think is the most important quality for blue-collar workers? M: Do blue-collar workers have to work many hours every day? W: Depends. Some blue-collar workers may have more free time than white-collar workers. Q: Is it the case that blue-collar workers daily work lasts very long, according to the woman?,Listenin
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