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一、根据句意及汉语提示写单词。 1Do you know where these _(顾客) are from? 2Mrs.Liu spent two months _ (翻译) this book. 3Tom has _(提到) the same name three times in ten minutes. 4Do you mean that the factory has two _(老板)? 5English is spoken _ (广泛地) all around the world. 6Nancy isnt used to using _ (筷子) for dinner. 7Dont shout loudly in _(公众的) places. 8Grace was _ (缺席) from todays class meeting. 9Could you please tell me the _(地址) of your hotel? 10Ebola virus (埃博拉病毒) _(传播) in the summer of 2014 in West Africa.,customers,translating,mentioned,bosses,widely,chopsticks,public,absent,address,spread,11Who do you _(仰慕) most among the famous scientists? 12The car is running at a(n) _(速度) of 100 kilometers per hour. 13Jane,would you like to help hand out these _(课本)? 14Youll find these meals _ (方便的) to prepare. 15To make fewer mistakes,you should try to use shorter _(句子) in your writing. 16Students in China dont learn _(化学) until they are in Grade 9. 17The old man lost his _(感觉) of taste. 18Our _ (社区) has its own library. We often read books there. 19George flew to London to _(参加) an international meeting this morning. 20We should save water and electricity in our _(日常的) life.,admire,speed,textbooks,convenient,sentences,chemistry,sense,community,attend,daily/everyday,二、根据句意及首字母提示写单词。 1I have _a letter from Nancy,but I havent replied. 2An _happened on August 3rd,2014 in Ludian,Yunnan Province. 3Studying abroad is a good _You shouldnt miss it. 4Many _ got well and left the hospital today. 5The teacher _Rick because he did well in the exam. 6The _takes only 37 seconds to go up from the 5th floor to the 89th. 7I dont like lemons because they taste _ 8His elder brother _playing basketball to surfing the Internet. 9If you want to know more,please visit the _ www.liebaowh.com.,received,earthquake,chance,patients,praised,lift,sour,prefers,website,10I want to buy some _Is there a post office near here? 11Hearing the bad news,everyone stopped laughing and kept _at once. 12Youd better put the fruit in the _to keep it fresh. 13Its a _that I cant go for a picnic with you tomorrow. 14It took the workers two months to _the work. 15On Teachers Day our teachers _many flowers and postcards.,stamps,silent,fridge,pity,complete,receive(d),三、根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1The building lies in the _(centre) part of the city. 2Dont laugh at these old men. It is _(polite) 3After that,he started to treat everyone with kindness and _ (warm) 4The police thought it was a(n) _ (value) message. 5Please pay attention to the _ (pronounce) of this word. 6We are _(strange) here. We need your help. 7Dashan from Canada speaks Chinese just like a native _(speak) 8She spoke Japanese so _(bad) that I couldnt understand her. 9David can play some _ (music) instruments,such as the piano and the violin.,central,impolite,warmth,valuable,pronunciation,strangers,speaker,badly,musical,10The little boy _(cry) loudly because he couldnt find his mother. 11Helens knowledge of space _ (increase) in the past few years. 12The teacher advises his students to spend time _(wise) 13Liu Xiang used to be one of the greatest sports _(hero) 14The writer said that he didnt write for money,but for his own _ (please) 15Your _ (choose) makes you what you are. So please choose to be the best of yourself.,cried,has increased,wisely,heroes,pleasure,choice,1He felt very _ because he didnt pass the exam. 2The Browns always buy some _products wherever they go. 3I dont understand what you said. Can you give me a _answer? 4Mike is not afraid to _his opinions. 5The teacher often _ the students to keep away from the dangerous place.,down,local,direct,express,warns,6The children were _ into four teams before they started the match. 7The _between the two countries has created thousands of new jobs. 8Its not easy _some ancient Chinese poems into English. 9No one is allowed _in this area,or he will be punished. 10You can make a difference to these childrens life by _our charity,Sunshine For All.,divided,trade,to translate,to smoke,supporting,
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