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Unit 6一、单项选择( ) 1. - There is _milk in the fridge. Please buy some on your way home. - All right. A. much B. many C. little D. few( ) 2. Let s have oranges. _. A. Thats sound good B. That sound good C. Thats sounds good D. That sounds good( ) 3. The vegetables are good _us. So please eat _. A. for; less B. at; less C. for; more D. at; more( ) 4. - I get the first place at the sports meeting. A. Good, thank you B. Really? Congratulations. (祝贺) C. Not at all D. Its OK( ) 5. I like to eat some _and _in the morning. A. potatoes; mangoes B. potatos; mangos C. potatos; mangoes D. potatoes; mangos( ) 6. How many _do you want? A. glass of apple juice B. glass of apple juices C. glasses of apple juice D. glasses of apples juice( ) 7. There are _minutes in _hour. A sixty; a B. sixty; an C. sixteen; a D. sixteen; an( ) 8. I like eating ice cream, _I dont eat it now. A. and B. or C. but D. so( )9. - _TV does he watch every day? - For two or three hours a day. A. How long B. How many C. How often D. How much( ) 10. - What do you have _supper? - There _some milk and bread in the fridge. A. in; is B. to; are C. of; is D. for; is( ) 11. Tom is fat. The doctor asks him to _and _. A. eat more; exercise more B. eat less; exercise less C. eat less; exercise more D. eat more; exercise less( ) 12. Li Ming often plays basketball to keep . A. health B. fit C. good D. well( ) 13. Its important _. A. for us to learn Maths well B. to us to learn Maths wellC. for us learning Maths well D. of us to learn Maths well( ) 14. I always have rice with _and an apple _lunch A. fishes; for B. fishes; on C. fish; for D. fish; on( ) 15. Lets _our old diet. A. to change B. change C. to make D. make
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