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Unit 4一、词汇A、根据句意、首字母和中文提示完成单词1. The young couple put on their _(头盔), and drove their motorbike away quickly.2. This pair of leather b_ wears so comfortable and fashionable. 3. As we all know, humans live on one of the _(行星) of the Solar System.4. I wont share a bed with my brother any more. The bed is so c_ for us.5. The air was _(污染) so seriously. The foggy days become more and more often.6. These p_ are so noisy in the bus. I cannot hear it any longer.7. This pair of new shoes is tight for me. It is _ to walk.8. Please c_ the new words while you are reading the passage.9. I cant imagine how far it is from the Earth to the Moon. It is a really long _(距离).10. In the story, several _(外星人) came to the Earth and stayed with a girl for some days.11. Do you know what _(traffic tools) could be like on Mars?12. In general, girls dont like _(电子的) music.13. My mother always _(比较) me with my classmates, but I didnt like that.14. We prepare enough d_ food and water for the long hiking trip.15. The space sleeping bag is fixed to the walls to prevent it _(move lightly) off.16. The p_ on Earth is still increasing quickly.17. Food will be in the form of p_ on Mars.18. Can you stand on the s_ of the planet Mars without wearing special boots?B、用所给词的适当形式填空dry, goods, challenge, pollute, crowd, entertain, sleep, comfort, advantage, electronic 1. We are going on a trip tomorrow. Do we need to prepare a _ bag, Mum? 2. There isnt any _ on Mars. 3. I couldnt sleep because the bed was so _. 4. My brother is a brave boy. He always does some _ work to prove himself. 5. His poor eyesight is a _ to him. 6. The main street in my hometown is so _ that the government has decided to rebuild it. 7. Bob is planning to have a trip to Mount Huangshan and he has bought enough _ food. 8. He has bought some _ games on the Internet. He cant wait to play them. 9. Plenty of _ are collected by UNICEF. They will be sent to the poor children in Africa. 10. After a whole days busy work, we should find some _ to relax ourselves. 二、词组1. 穿特殊的靴子 wear special boots2. 不得不吃干粮 have to eat dried food3. 我们自己的行星 our own planet4. 变得越来越拥挤和污染 become more and more crowded and polluted5. 因为人口的快速增长 because of the rapid increase in population6. 再;重新 (all) over again7. 运送大批的乘客去火星 carry large numbers of passengers to Mars8. 随着技术的发展 with the development of technology9. 以光速运行 travel at the speed of light 以的速度 at a/ the speed of10. 以药片的形式 in the form of pills11. 八分之三 three- eighths12. 阻止他们自己漂入太空 prevent themselves from floating off into space13. 与地球上的生活相比 compared with life on the Earth14. 有一台电脑与星际网络相连 have a computer connected to an interplanetary network15. 同意 be in agreement with = agree with16. 执行一个调查 carry out a survey17. 值得冒险 be worth the risk18. 毕竟 after all19. 更喜欢看神奇的低重力篮球比赛 prefer to watch the amazing low-gravity basketball games20. 一种非常流行的娱乐形式 a very popular form of entertainment三、知识点1. crowded (adj.) 比较级_ 越来越拥挤_ 挤满了 _ _ (v. 挤满,塞满;n.人群) 一大群人_e.g. The roads are becoming more and more _(拥挤的) because of too much traffic. ( ) He was late this morning, because the bus was too _ for him to get on. A. quiet B. tidy C. crowded D. noisy2. polluted (adj.) _ (v.) _(n.)e.g. Our hometown has become a _ place. (pollute) The local people had to move away because of the serious _ (pollute) ( ) The _ air in this area has a strange smell, but we _ it. A. polluted; used to B. polluted; are used to C. polluting; used to C. polluting; are used to ( ) We should stop the factories _ the river. A. to pollute B. from polluting C. from pollution D. to polluting3. increase (n.) _(v.) increase by + 倍数或百分数,表示“增加了倍(百分之)” increase to + 具体的增长后的数字,表示“增加到了”e.g. 我想要提高我的阅读速度。 I want _ _ my reading speed.他的成就已经使水稻的产量增加了20%-30%。His achievements _.4. in the form of 呈的形式;以的形式 以药片的形式_; 以金钱的形式_; 以我的声音的形式_e.g. ( ) Youll be more polite if you make a reques
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